Apple: Apple becomes world’s number one PC brand, claims report – Times of India

Looks like going has never been so good Apple and Mack. Last month, Apple revealed that for seven consecutive quarters, revenue was Mac going up and up. and now a report canalis shows that Apple has become the number one PC brand in the world.
According to Apple Insider, in Q1 2022, Apple shipped approximately 22.3 million Mac units and dethroned in the process Lenovo From number one position. Apple achieved around 18.8% market share in pc market, Mac shipments have seen a 1% year-on-year growth, according to Canalys.
Lenovo, on the other hand, saw a 12% drop in its shipments and shipped around 21.1 million devices. Third-ranked HP also saw its shipments drop 18% and shipped 15.9 million units. Meanwhile, the overall PC market declined 3% year-over-year.
During its quarterly earnings call, Apple disclosed that revenue from Macs grew about 15% in the quarter and that Apple generated nearly $10.4 billion. Last year, Apple said it saw first-time Mac buyers, which showed buyers are switching from Windows to Mac.
A recent report from Counterpoint Research also revealed that Apple had a pretty good last quarter when it comes to Macs. Mac sales increased 8% compared to the previous quarter, while other Windows PC brands saw their market share decline. A Counterpoint Research report states that Lenovo’s shipments declined 10% while HP saw a 16% drop in shipments.
The overall trend shows that more people are buying Mac devices. Apple has big plans for the Mac in 2022. Rumors have suggested that 9 new Mac devices with next-generation M-series processors are in development.