Apple Music is installing itself into the iPhone dock, kicking off apps like Spotify

Many iPhone users found themselves in a fix when the Apple Music iOS app began installing itself directly to the iPhone’s dock when downloaded instead of the home screen, thus booting other apps, including music streaming service Spotify.

As TechCrunch reports, the bug affected various iPhone models, with other apps kicking in the dock at the bottom of the iPhone screen and taking their place.

Apple said it was looking into the issue.

“It seems that if you download the Apple Music app from the App Store, it will automatically appear on your device’s (iPhone) dock; moreover, it will replace any other 3rd party app with the Music app. If in your dock, you only have Apple apps, this will do nothing,” Kevin Archer, an iOS developer, tweeted late Thursday.

Some iPhone owners also found that the bug was making Apple Music the default music service for Siri requests, kicking off Spotify.

In a tweet, Epic Games founder and CEO Tim Sweeney said: “I just verified this on iOS 15.4.1. With Spotify installed and on the dock, installing Apple Music removed Spotify from the dock and Apple Music.” put it there – without asking. Apple Music happens without playing, so clearly Apple rigged their operating system to make it happen!”

Epic is already fighting a long-running antitrust lawsuit with Apple.

In fact, the Apple Music app replaced all sorts of apps that users had in their Dock, including first-party apps like the built-in Camera app.

“Apple said, we treat every developer equally and ‘the rules are the same for every developer’. Looks like they forgot to mention that the rules are the same, except for Apple. Basically, it did Replaced my Spotify with Apple Music from the dock,” Archer further tweeted.

Apple Music also bumped up the Safari browser app from its iPhone dock.

Another iPhone user who is a software engineer tweeted, “There’s a tide in my dock, and it kicked out Apple Mail to put Apple Music in the dock.”

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