Apple removing old apps from its iPhone App Store: Here’s why

Tech giant Apple, which is now removing apps not receiving updates, has clarified that older apps are being removed from the App Store because no one was downloading them. Apple said that developers of apps that haven’t updated within the past three years and fail to meet the minimum download limit are “receiving an email notifying them that their app is being removed from the App Store for potential removal.” App has been identified”.

This means that “the app has not been downloaded at all or very rarely during the 12-month period”, it said in an update late Friday.

While Apple will remove older apps from the App Store, any previously downloaded apps will remain on users’ devices. Earlier this week, several app makers, such as ProtoPop Games developer Robert Kabwe, expressed their concerns about the change.

Apple said developers can appeal the app’s removal.

“And developers, including those who have recently received the notice, will be given a further 90 days to update their apps, if required,” the company informed.

Deleted apps will continue to function normally for users who have already downloaded the app to their device.

“User confidence in quality apps is the cornerstone of much of what we’ve done to get the App Store up and running,” Apple said.

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During the past six years, Apple has removed approximately 2.8 million apps as part of this process.

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