Apple to lead global smartphone shipments in Q4 2021: Canalys

According to a report by market analyst firm Canalasi, Apple was the most popular smartphone maker in terms of worldwide smartphone shipments for Q4 2021. The Cupertino-based smartphone maker took first place over competitor Samsung, and accounted for 22 percent of global smartphone sales last quarter despite supply chain issues and rising coronavirus cases across the world. Meanwhile, Chinese smartphone makers Xiaomi, Oppo and Vivo were ranked third, fourth and fifth with 12 percent, 9 percent and 8 percent market share respectively.

according to a report good by canalis, Apple finally managed to defeat samsung To top the smartphone shipment competition, thanks to its strong demand iphone 13 Chain. “Apple saw unprecedented iPhone performance in Mainland China, keeping the value proposition strong with aggressive pricing for its flagship devices,” the report said. According to the report, the company’s supply chain was also affected due to the pandemic due to production cuts (and increased waiting times in some markets), but it is recovering.

Seller Q4 2020 Market Share Q4 2021 Market Share
Apple 23% 22%
samsung 17% 20%
Xiaomi 12% 12%
Opposition 10% 9%
Vivo 9% 8%
credit: canalis

According to the report, Samsung was second and accounted for 20 percent of worldwide smartphone shipments in the fourth quarter of 2021. The South Korean smartphone maker has shown improvement compared to Q4 2020, when it accounted for 17 per cent of global smartphone shipments. During this, Xiaomi was in third place with 12 percent of handsets sold worldwide. Opposition And Vivo Ranked fourth and fifth as per the report with 9 percent and 8 percent respectively.

Back in December, Bloomberg Reported That Apple had informed suppliers that it did not expect the company’s latest iPhone 13 series to retain customer interest after long wait times. The report suggested that the Cupertino company expects supplies to improve in 2022. Apple previously cut production plans for the iPhone 13 by 10 million units, thanks to a global chip shortage that resulted in a shortage of iPhone components, according to an older report good by Bloomberg.

Global semiconductor shortages are affecting companies other than Apple, and the Canalys report said smartphone makers are acknowledging the difficulties posed by component shortages, which are not expected to improve until the second half of 2022. The smartphone makers are reportedly revising their device specifications to adapt to the available components. According to the report, steps such as prioritizing best-selling smartphones and spreading product releases over a longer period will help large companies deal with the challenges posed by semiconductor shortages.
