Application launched to track cognitive development of children

The government on Monday launched a mobile application that tracks and monitors the cognitive development of infants and toddlers in the age group of 1-3 years.

Social Welfare Minister C. Jakoumer formally launched the Growth and Intelligence Tracking Application (GITA) app, which aims to assess the developmental development of a child through a series of interactive questions and tasks and identify cases requiring early intervention. is to be identified. Available in English and Tamil, these questions and tasks are adapted to the local culture and lifestyle.

The app allows new mothers and healthcare workers to perform simple tests that bring together standard technical protocols and culturally sustainable techniques to assess a baby’s development. It also alerts users to consult experts if the child’s progress lags behind standard development measures.

Ramya S Murthy, co-founder of Nimaya Innovation, a Chennai-based start-up that developed the app, said GITA will change the way a child’s cognitive development is tracked as it simplifies the inputs used to measure development. . It combines the age-old techniques of Indian culture, scientific research and modern technology.

Data stored in the cloud will be published on an easily readable dashboard in the input app. This will be easy for the parents, caregivers and Anganwadi workers.

Social Welfare Secretary C. Udayakumar and Social Welfare Director P. Muthumina participated in the launch.