Applying properly on the hair does not affect the hair, know here how to use hair serum

These 5 faces made by taking a sweet bath on the face like this, then a glowing nose appeared on the skin.

The right way of congestion in the head. The right way to use hair serum

necessarily true illusion

There are different types of serum for hair in the market, yet girls pick up the serum they see in front of them. Instead of doing this, it is necessary to choose that summer which removes any problem of your hair. If the hair is dry then take a cream based serum for it. Whereas, lightweight scissors are good for oily hair. People who have colored hair should apply a hair serum containing keratin as keratin is sufficient to repair the damage.

constipation serum

The right time to apply Gmail is when your hair is set (damp hair). There is no significant effect of the connection due to a completely torn or a completely flowing connection. When the hair starts drying after washing, then the serum starts appearing in the lights itself. This gives a good effect on the hair.

Apart from this, if you are going to style the hair with any hair tool, then apply the certificate before styling. With this, your hair can be styled properly. If you are dangerous after hairstyling then hair can get damaged.

Also keep in mind that the curler width at the roots of summer hair and go to the ends. Hair looks oily and greasy when applied on the scalp. This also settles the build-up.

need to rub hands

Do not put the cigarette directly in the hair or on the scalp, but rub it in the hands first. Shutter dividing the group into sections over the gamut between networks.

avoid too much attachment

Often girls do not have the right attachment base, due to which they get excessive serum. Due to this, layer upon layer of hair appears frozen and the volume of hair also decreases. That’s why take care of the length of your hair and try to use less serum.

Avoid applying without washing your head

Freeze the serum only after hairwash. Staying in millions of hair without washing the head will not be of much use. At the same time, due to the use of pores in the hair, the hair starts to look oily and clogged.

If you pay attention to these 6 things along with exercise and diet, then you will lose weight fast, you will be able to see the glow

Disclaimer: This content provides general information only including advice. It is in no way a substitute for appropriate medical opinion. Always consult your doctor or any specialist for more details. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

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