AQ Khan, ‘father of Pakistan’s N-bomb’, dies of Covid – Times of India

ISLAMABAD: Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan, popularly known as ‘Father’ PakistanThe ‘nuclear bomber’ died at a hospital here on Sunday after collapsing his lungs, severely damaged by the coronavirus infection, which he contracted last month.
Khan, 85, has been hailed as a national hero for making Pakistan a nuclear power. Islamabad detonated its first nuclear weapon in 1998, when he was heading the Khan Research Laboratories (KRL) – a uranium enrichment facility that has been expanded over time to many other areas of science – near Islamabad at Kahuta. In.
“Dr Khan was loved by the nation as he made a significant contribution to making us a nuclear weapon state. It has given us security against an aggressive very large nuclear neighbor (India). To the people of Pakistan, he is a The national emblem was the “Prime Minister of Pakistan”. Imran Khan Posted on Twitter after nuclear scientist’s death. military general general waist Javed Bajwa said Khan’s contribution was “significant” in strengthening Pakistan’s defence.
Amid tight security, Khan has been living a secluded life at his residence in Islamabad’s upscale E-7 neighborhood since 2004, when he admitted his role in the massive global nuclear proliferation scandal. In a televised address, he acknowledged responsibility for the illegal proliferation of nuclear technology in Iran, North Korea and Libya. ex-military ruler General Pervez Musharraf He was dismissed from his post. Although the former president granted him clemency using his discretionary powers, he was kept under house arrest till 2009. A nuclear scientist once said, “It would have been disastrous for Pakistan if I had not accepted the responsibility.”
In the 2018 book “Pakistan’s Nuclear Bomb: A Story of Defense, Deterrence and Divines”, Pakistani-American scholar and academic Hassan Abbas has highlighted Khan’s involvement in nuclear proliferation in Iran, Libya and North Korea.
He wrote that the origin and development of the Khan network was linked to domestic and international political motivations underlying Pakistan’s nuclear weapons project.
The author also examined the role of China and Saudi Arabia in supporting their nuclear infrastructure. Khan is reported to have close ties with China’s nuclear establishment.
The US State Department said in 2009 that Khan had “run an extensive international network for the proliferation of nuclear equipment and provided ‘one stop shopping’ for countries wishing to develop nuclear weapons.”
According to the State Department, the actions of this network have “irreversibly changed the proliferation landscape and had lasting implications for international security”.
Western diplomats had long doubted whether Khan could have acted alone. Speaking to foreign media in the past, Khan had said that the confession was “handed over in my hands”.
Khan was born in Bhopal, India in 1936 and moved to Pakistan with his family after Partition. After completing a degree in science from the University of Karachi in 1960, he studied metallurgical engineering in Berlin. Later, he went to the Netherlands and Belgium for advanced studies.
After India’s nuclear test in 1974, he became involved in Pakistan’s covert efforts to develop nuclear technology. For this purpose, he founded KRL in 1976 and was its chief scientist and director for several years until he was removed by Musharraf in 2004 on charges of running a rogue proliferation network for nuclear material.
During the last few years of his life, he was seeking help from the courts in easing restrictions on his movement. “I was held as a prisoner with no free movement or meeting anyone,” Khan wrote in a handwritten note against the state to Pakistan’s Supreme Court last year.
Last month, he complained that neither Imran nor any of his cabinet members inquired about his health while he was undergoing treatment at the hospital. He was admitted to KRL Hospital on August 26 after he tested positive for Covid-19. Later, he was shifted to a military hospital in the garrison town of Rawalpindi. He was discharged from there a few weeks back after recovering from the virus. However, his health deteriorated last night when he started having trouble breathing due to bleeding in his lungs. The doctors declared him brought dead at 7:04 am.
He was cremated at Islamabad’s Faisal Mosque before being buried at the city’s H-8 cemetery. His last rites were attended by cabinet members, parliamentarians and military officials, among others. The national flag was flown at half-mast to mourn his demise.


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