Arab League Fast Facts | CNN – The Henry Club


have a look here Arab UnionAn organization of Middle Eastern and African countries and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO).

Ahmed Abul Gheit of Egypt is the current Secretary General of the Arab League.

There are also four observer states: Eritrea, India, Brazil and Venezuela,

The purpose of the Arab League is, by agreement of the League of Arab States, to promote closer political, economic, cultural and social ties between the members.

A council made up of representatives of member states works together to settle disputes peacefully. The league has five major committees: Political, Economic, Social and Cultural, Legal and Palestinian Affairs.

Each member of the council has one vote. Decisions are binding only on the states that have voted for them.

March 22, 1945 – Arab League is established in Cairo with seven Arab countries Iraq, Saudi Arab Lebanese Republic, Yemen (Sana), Transjordan (now Jordan), Egypt And Syria,

[Since1945tillnow16othermembershavejoined-[1945सेअबतक16अन्यसदस्यजुड़चुकेहैं-Libya (1953), Sudan (1956), Morocco (1958), Tunisia (1958), Kuwait (1961), Algeria (1962), Yemen (Aden, 1968), Bahrain (1971), Oman (1971), Qatar (1971), United Arab Emirates (1971), Mauritania (1973), Somalia (1974), PLO (1976), Djibouti (1977) and Comoros (1993).

13 April 1950 – The members of the League sign an agreement on joint defense and economic cooperation.

1959 – The first in the league is the Arab Petroleum Congress.

1964 – The league organizes the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO).

1976 – ARABSAT, an Arab communication satellite system, has been formed.

26 March 1979 – Egypt signed a peace treaty with IsraelThe El League suspended Egypt’s membership and moved its headquarters from Cairo to Tunis, Tunisia.

1989 – Egypt has joined the league; The headquarters were later shifted back to Cairo.

1990 – Yemen (Aden) and Yemen (Sanaa) unite to form Yemen.

August 1990 – The league is divided on Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait. Members are divided over a vote on a proposal to send Arab troops to join forces defending Saudi Arabia from a possible attack. Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria, Morocco, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Lebanon, Djibouti and Somalia support the presence of foreign troops in Saudi Arabia.

2003 – All league members except Kuwait officially oppose a US-led war against Iraq. However, some members other than Kuwait, including Bahrain and Qatar, allow the use of their territory.

23 April 2006 – Arab League spokesman Hisham Yousif announced that the organization had promised to transfer $50 million to the Palestinian Authority, governed by Hamas. This is in response to the United States and The European Union Cuts in funding directly to the Hamas-led government, which took power on March 30.

March 29-30, 2009 – The two-day summit takes place in Doha, Qatar. Sudanese President Omar al-Bashiro Appears notwithstanding an arrest warrant issued by International Criminal Court,

February 22, 2011 – The Arab League issued a statement saying it was suspending Libya’s participation in Arab League meetings and all agencies of the group. The statement also condemned crimes against protesters and peaceful strikers in Libya.

March 3, 2011 – The March 29 summit in Baghdad, Iraq, has been postponed due to unrest in several Arab League countries.

March 12, 2011 – Arab League asks united nations security council Enforcing a no-fly zone on Libya.

13 July 2011 – Arab League Secretary General Nabil al-Arabi visited Syria and met with President Bashar al-Assadi,

November 12, 2011 – The Arab League suspended Syria’s membership effective 16 November 2011, in response to Syria’s continuing violence against its own citizens, 18 members voted in favor of the suspension, while Lebanon and Yemen voted not. Iraq abstains from voting.

December 19, 2011 – Syria signed an Arab League resolution aimed at ending violence between government forces and protesters.

December 26, 2011 – Members of the Arab League delegation arrived in Syria to monitor events on the ground.

28 January 2012 – The Arab League has suspended its mission in Syria as violence continues in the country.

12 November 2012 – State media reports that the Arab League has approved a proposal to recognize the new National Coalition Forces of the Syrian Revolution, which unites the Syrian opposition facts.

March 28-29, 2015 – The 26th Arab League summit took place in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt. All leaders agree to create a multi-national military force to deal with threats to the Middle East.

25 July 2016 – The Arab League summit is held in Nouakote, Mauritania, but only seven leaders from 22 member states participate. The meetings focus on fighting terrorism and how to deal with other conflicts in the region.

February 24-25, 2019 – For the first time, the EU-Arab League summit has been held in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt.