Are grapes good for diabetics? All You Need To Know About Its Nutrients

Diabetes is a major concern, affecting thousands of people worldwide. According to a report by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), approximately 537 million adults are living with diabetes and this number is expected to increase to 643 million by 2030. It is a lifestyle disease and occurs when the pancreas fails to produce insulin or when the body does not make good use of the insulin produced. This creates an imbalance in your blood sugar levels, which leads to diabetes. According to nutritionist and macrobiotic health coach Shilpa Arora, “Diabetes is a chronic problem, which means, it cannot be cured completely. Instead, one needs to keep a check on their blood sugar levels , it manages the disease”. And this is where food plays a major role.
It is rightly said, ‘You are what you eat’. You will find many types of food items around you which are either considered good or bad for people suffering from diabetes. In general, experts recommend avoiding foods that are high in calories or sweet in nature. But one food that calls for debate is grapes. This succulent, bite-sized fruit makes the perfect choice to curb your sweet cravings. But the question here is whether a person can suffer from diabetes Eat these sweet grapes? let’s find out.
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Grapes Nutrition: Why You Should Include Grapes In Your Diet?

Grapes are green, red or black, grapes are very tasty. They are a perfect snack to munch on during those untimely hunger pangs and are super healthy too. Grapes contain antioxidants, vitamin Cpotassium and many essential nutrients and is often considered a superfood, Here are some of the major benefits of grapes.

5 major health benefits of grapes:

1. Help flush out toxins:

Grapes are a storehouse of antioxidants and vitamin C. According to the USDA, 100 grams of grapes contain 3.6 milligrams of vitamin C. These factors help us to detox the body and improve the blood flow in the body.

2. Prevent Inflammation:

Due to the high antioxidant content, grapes are known to be great for fighting inflammation and oxidative stress in the body. According to a study by Texas Woman’s University, along with inflammation, grapes can also help in relieving knee and joint pain.

3. Avoid dehydration

According to USDA data, 100 grams of grapes contain 196 milligrams of potassium. The high potassium content and low sodium content of grapes help the body maintain water balance, thereby preventing dehydration.

4. Beneficial for the eyes

The anti-inflammatory properties present in grapes help protect the retina from any damage. The book ‘Healing Foods’ by DK Publishing House states that grapes (especially black grapes) contains two compounds called lutein and zeaxanthin, which are carotenoids, which are known to help maintain good eye health.

5. Boost Immune Health:

As mentioned earlier, grapes contain a good amount of nutrients, which work together to nourish us from within. A study published in the journal – Molecular Nutrition and Food Research – revealed that resveratrol in grapes (especially red grapes) may work with vitamin D to boost the body’s immune system.
Read also: Skin Care During Summer: 4 Easy Ways To Include Grapes In Your Diet


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Can Grapes Maintain the Blood Sugar Level of the Body?

As mentioned earlier, grapes are a storehouse of potassium, a nutrient that helps manage blood sugar levels in the body by balancing the negative effects of salt. In addition, grapes contain catechins and polyphenols that are known to regulate blood flow by flushing out toxins from the body. This further helps the body to produce and use insulin.

Are Grapes Good for People with Diabetes?

The answer is yes! Grape They have a low glycemic index, making it an ideal fruit for diabetics to reduce their sweet cravings without affecting their health. According to a study published in the Journal of Nutrition, grapes, along with some other fruits, contain several polyphenols, including stilbene resveratrol, the flavanol quercetin, catechins, and anthocyanins, which have been shown to reduce hyperglycemia, improve beta-cell function, and reduce hyperglycemia. potential has been shown. and protecting against beta-cell damage. “Therefore, with a low mean GI (glycemic index) and GL (glycemic load), grapes may provide health benefits to type 2 diabetics, the study found.
Read also: Diabetes Diet: Best and Worst Foods for Blood Sugar Levels


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How many grapes should a person eat per day?

Anything in excess is not good for health and it is no different for grapes. If taken in excess, grapes can lead to a number of stomach-related problems including irregular bowel movements and diarrhoea. Now this brings the question that what is the ideal amount of grapes to be had in a day? According to a study published in the journal, a person should not eat more than 2 cups of grapes in a day. However, this amount may vary from person to person according to their weight, metabolic status, health factors, and more. Hence, it is always advised to consult a doctor before including or excluding any food from your diet.
Eat healthy and stay fit!

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