Are You Drinking Green Tea at the Wrong Time – Know Here

Recently, green tea has gained a lot of recognition for its various health benefits. Touted as a healthier alternative to caffeine- and sugar-laden tea, green tea helps boost immunity, ease digestion, and promote weight loss. But like other foods like fruits and carb-rich foods, green tea provides its best benefits when consumed at the right time. It may come as a surprise to you that drinking green tea at the wrong time can negate all its offerings. Are you making the mistake of drinking green tea at a time when you are not able to take full advantage of it?

According to Dietitian Akansha, it is important to have your herbal at the right time and definitely not during certain times of the day.

Here are 3 times when you shouldn’t drink green tea:

1. Empty Stomach

Do you start your day with green tea instead of regular tea, thinking it is a healthier option? Well, it is not so. When you drink green tea on an empty stomach, it can lead to dehydration and stimulate the release of gastric acid which can lead to an upset stomach or even an ulcer.

2. Right After Meal

We all believe that drinking a cup of green tea after a meal will help us digest the food we have eaten. But since the protein in your food is not yet digested by the body, drinking green tea right after a meal can harm this process.

3. Late Night

There are many of us who fall asleep on the bed with a hot cup of green tea in our hands. If you do too then you should know that this routine can interfere with your sleeping pattern and in turn increase your stress level. We definitely want a peaceful sleep!

(Also read: How to Make a Perfect and Delicious Cup of Green Tea,

Green tea is rich in nutrients.
photo credit: iStock

So, what is the right time to drink green tea?

Dietician Akansha says, “It is always best to drink green tea in between meals. But remember that take it at least two hours before and two hours after eating.

Consultant nutritionist Rupali Dutta shared with us, “The best time to take green tea is in the morning, but after your breakfast, and that too after some intervals. Also, limit the consumption to 2-3 cups a day ”

Green tea has many benefits For good health, but only when taken at the right time.

About Neha GroverThe love of reading sparked his writing instincts. Neha is guilty of being deep-set with anything caffeinated. When she is not pouring her nest of thoughts on the screen, you can see her reading while sipping coffee.