Are your mustard seeds safe to eat? find out here

In the Indian kitchen, some ingredients can never be replaced. Not only are they essential for preparing a variety of regional cuisines, but they also have a wide range of applications that go beyond the kitchen. Mustard seeds (Sarso) are one such example. We all have seen these tiny round black seeds in potato, dal, rice and even in various temperings. These seeds can easily enhance the flavor of any dish you make. But as much as we love using this ingredient in our cooking, did you know that Argemone seeds can often be added to mustard seeds?

(Also read: Trying to reduce the consumption of oil in your diet? Here are 7 tips by FSSAI,

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) recently took to Instagram to explain how to check if Argemone seeds are adulterated in mustard. For pomegranates in the tropics and warm temperate regions, argemone seeds are a major weed. Primarily, in India, these seeds are a health hazard and disruption to subsistence farmers due to their prickly appearance.

According to research published in Food security in the 21st century“Mustard oil contaminated with argemone oil causes an ascites epidemic. Its effects are dilation, proliferation, and increased permeability of capillaries, leading to swelling of the lower body and limbs, oxidative stress, and decreased red blood cell count.” Death can lead to anemia and eventually, congestive heart failure. The visible symptoms are diarrhea and vomiting, erythema (redness of the skin), cough and shortness of breath.”

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So, how to find out if your mustard seeds are actually adulterated with argemone seeds? FSSAI has only one solution!

How to check adulteration in mustard seeds

To prevent adulteration, first spread the mustard seeds in a glass plate. Now you need to examine the grainy and hard black seeds closely. If you find any, your mustard seeds have argemone seeds mixed in.

Watch FSSAI’s video here:

Take this simple test today and find out the purity of your mustard seeds.
