Arrested 5 times in 3 days due to resemblance to wanted criminal in China

A man from Baicheng in northeast China’s Jilin province reported one person to police five times in three days because of his striking resemblance to Zhu Jianjian, a North Korean criminal and protester. The prisoner escaped from a prison in the northeastern city of Jilin in 2013 after illegally entering China and pleading guilty to several crimes.

According to footage that has gone viral on social media, the man in the dark blue down jacket has almost identical facial features, expressions and even the hairstyle to the prisoner. Before Zhu was caught, the locals were on the lookout for anyone who looked like him.

According to a court order in China, he was sentenced to 11 years in prison for illegal border crossing, theft and robbery, followed by deportation. However, on 18 October, the criminal escaped from prison, forcing local authorities to announce a reward of 700,000 yuan ($109,589) for information about his whereabouts, up from 150,000 yuan previously.

In China, where prison breakouts are rare, news of Zhu’s escape gained widespread interest. The prisoner ransacked several houses in the village within hours, stole cash, cellphones, shoes and clothes, sending state officials on high alert. Zhu’s sentence was commuted twice in prison in 2017 and 2020 for showing remorse and maintaining excellent discipline. He was to be released in August 2023.

On Sina Weibo, one of the most popular social media platforms in China, people, understandably, felt sympathy for the man’s plight and recommended that he wear his identity card around his neck.

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