Artist Gurudas Shenoy’s pandemic-inspired exhibition ‘730’ to be on display from May 27

Three day exhibition of Udupi born artist to be organized by Bangalore International Center

Three day exhibition of Udupi born artist to be organized by Bangalore International Center

Seven hundred and thirty days. That was the longest period artist Gurudas Shenoy had to live in the house. As with most of the world, that too was unable to step out due to the pandemic-induced lockdown.

For an artist who loves to travel, the constant stay at home brought some change to Shenoy’s art. In addition to painting his distinctive landscapes and cityscapes, he began to experiment with other subjects such as regular objects and metaphysics. His practice also brought more abstraction.

“Even though I could not travel during this period, in a way I embraced peace. This time I got a chance to go deeper into my work. I became more bold, started using more layers, more abstraction,” says the artist.

His upcoming exhibition, ‘730’, presented by Artesera, depicting a two-year pandemic – a profound phase for Gurudas as well as the rest of the world – will be his first single in three years.

in the series titled limited storiesIn , Gurudas explores the duality of two worlds – indoors and out. Another new series spiritual odysseyIncludes paintings of spiritual localities and temple towns inspired by his travels to the Himalayas, Rishikesh, Haridwar, Badrinath and Kedarnath.

in remembrance and resurrection Series, the paintings are largely abstract, formed in an organic and interconnected configuration of color planes.

Born in Udupi, Gurudas Shenoy is behind more than three decades of art practice that includes drawings, paintings, murals and installations.

730 will be held at Bangalore International Center from 27 to 29 May,