As Mumbai reopens schools, syllabus covered online to be taught again, classes on alternate days

As Mumbai plans to reopen schools from October 4, students attending offline classes will have to revise the syllabus taught online in offline mode. The decision comes as part of the SOP issued by the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai. Schools will remain open for classes 8 to 12 amid strict COVID restrictions. Students in junior classes will be allowed to attend physical classes from November.

Due to the learning gap, teachers have been asked to revise the syllabus completed online and make an academic plan by assessing the level of understanding of the students. In addition, each week each teacher will hold an online meeting with the parents to inform them about the topics to be taught in the class.

Since teaching plans will depend on the level of understanding among students, school management committees have been asked to reopen schools only after discussing detailed plans with the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA). The management has been asked to link the schools with the nearest primary health centers to ensure the availability of health facilities in times of crisis.

The duration of classes shall not exceed 3 to 4 hours, 50% strength will be called on alternate days, in case of more number of students willing to attend physical classes. Attending classes is not mandatory and it depends on the students and parents. This year cent percent attendance awards have also been discontinued. Rather it is not compulsory to attend classes and is left to the consent of the parents. No student will be allowed to enter the school without parental consent.

All teachers, non-teaching staff in the school should be vaccinated before starting the school. A non-vaccinated person will be asked to submit RTPCR test report older than 48 hours.

High-risk staff including the elderly, disabled, pregnant women and those undergoing medical treatment have been asked not to come into direct contact with the students.

The school management will have to make separate entry and exit marks for children and staff members. No one will be allowed inside the campus except teachers, staff and students.

In case even a single case of COVID-19 is detected in the school, the premises will be immediately closed and disinfected.

The temperature of the AC should be kept at 24 degrees when used in severe need. There shall be no assembly inside the premises including meetings, training etc. Even inside classrooms, schools have been asked not to use air-conditioning facilities and open windows and doors for air circulation.

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