Asexuality: Everything you need to know about it

With the increasing acceptance and knowledge about various physical, mental and emotional terms, people are learning and understanding new meanings every day. However, there are some terms that are subject to debate over their definition. Asexuality is a term that is often described by some as a form of sexual orientation, while many point to it as a lack of sexual orientation. We have tried to understand the term here keeping in mind the different perspectives.

What is asexuality?

In simple words, asexuality can be described as lack of sexual desire or attraction towards others. However, it is not at all the same as celibacy or abstinence. Those who are on the path of celibacy may feel sexual attraction towards others but do not want to engage in sexual activities.

On the other hand, asexual people do not experience sexual attraction. They may develop romantic feelings towards others, however, have no desire to involve sexual activity in the relationship.

Asexuality can be defined as a sexual orientation, such as being gay or bisexual. Asexuality can be classified under an identity or a spectrum.

Asexuality as a Spectrum

The term asexual can be used as an umbrella term to address several asexual sub-identities. These can include demisexual, gray-a, queerplatonic and others.

Asexuality as an Identity

Asexual people can identify themselves as cisgender, non-binary, transgender, or any other gender. They can be hetero-, homo-, bi- or pan-romantic. Another word for asexual people is ‘ace’ or ‘ace’.

Myths Around Asexuality

As with any new word that comes to the public, myths and speculations abound. The same goes with asexuality. People often think of asexual as aromatic – which are two different words. Asexual people may have romantic feelings, but little or no sexual desire. However, this does not mean that they practice celibacy.

Asexual people may engage in sexual relations for a variety of reasons – for the pleasure of their partner or to have a child. While their sexual needs are different, the mental and emotional needs are similar to those of any other person.

Another myth classifies asexuality as a medical condition. It is important to note that lack of sexual desire does not make a person unwell or ill. Therefore, being asexual is completely normal and healthy.

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