Astronauts were sent to the most distant base on Earth in Antarctica. why over here

Have you ever wondered where astronauts go for training?

The gym can certainly be one for physical strength building exercises, however, they are sent to training grounds in Antarctica!

why do you ask?

Antarctica offers a perfect Astronaut training ground Those who go on long space missions. These astronauts are sent to Antarctica for four months before spending time in an icy cold region, training these astronauts for several months of isolation, confinement and preparing them to face extreme environments.

The training is conducted during the winter months in Antarctica, given that the continent is without the sunlight for four months of the year.

This year the period of sunlight did not begin after sunset on May 13.

The European Space Agency (ESA), which runs Concordia, the most remote base on Earth, said this is the beginning of a very exciting time for the 12-member crew.

what the researchers will be studying

ESA said that in the name of the team, it will remain in isolation for six months and will work space flight research, They will conduct biomedical experiments on their own to understand how humans cope with living in extreme isolation.

ESA said on its website, “From sleep studies to gut health measurements to mindfulness practices, researchers are empowered to help researchers understand and overcome challenges in extreme environments such as space, present and future explorers.” is provoked.”

no sunset for four months

An image of the final sunset (on 13 May) was posted on ESA’s website and social media platforms, showing the Sun as only a thin swirl in the sky.

The last airplane with supplies visited Concordia station in February before the nine-month-long research. Four of these will be in complete darkness of the Antarctic winter.

harsh conditions in antarctica

Concordia Station is located just a few kilometers from Earth’s South Pole. The ESA said temperatures could drop to minus 80 degrees Celsius in complete frozen darkness outside.

During the winter months no supplies or people could be brought in and the high altitude caused the crew to experience chronic hypobaric hypoxia or lack of oxygen to the brain.

Concordia Base

Concordia is a collaboration between the French Polar Institute and the Italian Antarctic Program and is one of only three bases that are inhabited throughout the year.

This year’s crew members are a mix of Italian and French researchers and technicians, as well as Swedish observer Dr. Hannes Hagson, who will manage the base and conduct science in the unique pristine landscape of Antarctica.

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