‘At 9.3%, high growth expected in 2022’ – Times of India

CHENNAI: Coming back as pay hike India Inc. Budget for the year 2022 on the back of economic recovery and a large increase compared to the current year amid higher workforce.
Salaries are projected to see an average increase of 9.3% (8.8%) in 2022 compared to the actual average Salary According to a report by advisory firm Willis Towers Watson, 8% growth in 2021 (average 7.4%). In 2019 (pre-Covid), the actual wage increase was 9.9%.
Taking inflation levels into account, the workforce is likely to see a 4.8% ‘real’ wage increase (wage growth-inflation rate) for 2022, as against India Inc’s real growth of 4.2 percent in 2021.
The average increment cannot be pulled higher or lower by the values ​​at the extreme ends of the distribution and is therefore considered a better measure.
Employees can expect a higher average variable pay for their job performance in the year 2020 at 15.7%, while they were paid 12% in 2020 (based on 2019 performance)
India’s projected salary increase has the highest Asia Pacific For the next year as optimism returns on a better business outlook over the next 12 months. Sri Lanka is projected to see growth of 5.5%, China 6%, Indonesia 6.9% and Singapore 3.9%.
The job loss rate in India, though high, is low as compared to other countries in the region. India’s voluntary mortality rate at 8.9% is lower than China’s 11.6%, Vietnam11.7% and Australia’s 9.4%.


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