ATM wrote ‘Churan Wala Note’, ‘Full of Fun’, video campaigned on social media

In childhood we like or tag it. We listen with the help of these notes. It is clearly written on these notes that this note is for entertainment. different types of banks Chalvar Bank Of India written. Such notes had nothing to do with the actual note. Kalpana, if for such a time I have come out with a churned note from an ATM in Amethi, UP, about which the customers are surprised and feel cheated. It is written on this note ‘Full of fun’ or full of fun. The campaign is being run on social media. This video is very shocking.

this also further

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As for the fit, these tend to be in the right position for the right fit. Update once again for an hour. Seeing this spot rir stirred r stirred rana randa kasta. Hey to the people of Amethi Police. Receiving information relating to people in matters in case.

This video has been shared by @aditywarilive on his channel, which is spreading publicity across the country. More than 1 lakh views of this video till the time of writing this news. At the same time, a user has written a comment on this video rur many people’s comments, e to see, to see, to see, to see, to see– Helloblooded video. Who is there?

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