Attack of Uddhav faction by-election

Uddhav Bhartiya Party Party claimed that they were in the by-election in case the party claimed that Jan (Jan) sat in the by-election out of dark forebodings. The Rodhak faction, in its mouthpiece ‘Saamana’, has claimed ’embarrassment’ to Bella of the ‘Safe Way’. On the by-election on the Marathi weekly page, Kamalabai from Lekheri is, “Kamalabai ran from Andhari!” Vote bank has voted ‘Kamalabai’, the vote bank’s election is lotus.

this also further

This happens in the sitting position on the Andheri Purvanchal. The active members of the party failed. He contested and then declared after the election after Thackeray was able to change into the disposition of the Nationalist Attitudes Party (NCP) and as a candidate for the post-Maharashtra newly elected elections.

Its kasak kana in kasak um knighair ray gaya gaya gaya latte latke ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki latke latke ki ki ki ki hai gaye lante latte ke ki ki ki ki ki ki latke latke ki ki ki ki hai gaya hai It is said in the editor of ‘Saamana’, which is not called again and again. It was realized that there is a victory for the BJP (Thackeray faction).”

Movies of the State of the State of the State (Janji) has canceled the subscription letter after the cancellation. It’s like walking on this dangerous mode. He took ‘Yu th’ as ​​it deteriorated as quickly as possible.” This time has been removed from the satellite. To sit in Rahu will apply the kuvat from Rohanmubaipalika to sit in Ritvya.

Also further-


(Line for the headline, this kind of team said the team, it’s Cindy said Dr.