Australia reverses decision to recognize West Jerusalem as Israel’s capital – Times of India

Sydney: Australia Reversing a previous government’s decision to recognize West Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, he said on Tuesday that the situation in the city should be resolved through peace talks. Israel and the Palestinian people.
Foreign Minister Penny wong Said Australia “will always be a steadfast friend of Israel” and was committed to a two-state solution in which Israel and the future Palestinian state coexist peacefully within internationally recognized borders.
“The government recommends Australia to international efforts in the responsible pursuit of progress towards an equitable and sustainable two-state solution,” it said in a statement.
former prime minister scott Morrison In December 2018, the Middle East reversed decades of policy, saying Australia had recognized West Jerusalem as Israel’s capital but would not immediately move its embassy there.
Former United States President Donald Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital a year ago.
Wong told reporters that Morrison’s 2018 decision “put Australia out of step with the majority of the international community”, and was met with concern by Muslim-majority neighbor Indonesia.
“I am sorry that the position in Australia has changed as a result of Mr Morrison’s decision to play politics, and these changes have caused distress to many in the Australian community who care deeply about this issue,” she said.
Morrison with a strong Jewish representation in Sydney voters had flagged to move the embassy from Tel Aviv in 2018, days before the by-election, which his Liberal party nevertheless lost.
The Guardian on Monday reported changes to the website of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade to remove language that describes West Jerusalem as the capital.
Wong said the decision was made by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s cabinet on Tuesday.
Morrison’s Liberal-led coalition lost a national election in May, returning a Labor government for the first time in nine years.
Israel’s embassy in Canberra was closed on Tuesday, and did not immediately respond to a request for comment.