Australian PM Albanese tests Covid positive again for working from home while in isolation

In a statement, Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese revealed that he had been tested positive for COVID-19 and urged unwell people to get tested.

Sydney,Updates: December 5, 2022 14:57 IST

Australian PM Albert Albanese

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said he had tested positive for COVID-19 on Monday afternoon (Reuters)

by ReutersAustralian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said he had tested positive for COVID-19 on Monday afternoon and would be working from home.

In October, Australia ended mandatory home quarantine for people with Covid-19.

“I encourage anyone who finds such people to get tested and to take any extra precautions to keep your family and neighbors well,” Albanese said in a statement.

Read also: Covid testing centers closed as China lifts restrictions from major cities

Albanese is scheduled to pay a two-day visit to Papua New Guinea on December 12-13.

It is the second Covid infection for Albania, which was sidelined for some federal election campaigns earlier this year after testing positive. Albanese’s Labor Party gained power in the election.