Australian supermarket faces egg shortage, all you need to know

The food we eat goes a long way to get on our plate. From the farmer’s farm to the supermarket shelves, there are many obstacles that each ingredient has to overcome. Sometimes, the most common foods we use in our daily lives can experience deficiency due to various factors. Even a basic thing like eggs is very important to our daily diet, and we have seen the proof of this according to recent news. Australian supermarkets have been facing a shortage in the supply of eggs in recent times. As per reports, the market is facing shortage as locally produced eggs are not enough to meet their demand.

Eggs are in short supply in Australia, and here’s why.

A spokesperson for Woolworths Australia, a popular supermarket, said supplies of locally produced eggs have run short in some areas. they said they were working together suppliers To increase availability as soon as possible. Meanwhile, another supermarket named Coles said they are implementing a two-carton limit for customers buying eggs.

According to a report, there are many factors affecting the lack of eggs. ‘Inside the FMCG’, Rising cost of production, lack of favorable weather, reduced production and increasing demand are some of the reasons for the shortage of eggs in Australia.

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egg generic

There are many reasons behind the lack of eggs.

according to a report of WION NewsThe demand for eggs has plummeted due to the reopening of cafes and restaurants after the lockdown. However, according to McMoneys, managing director of Australian Eggs, Australia was able to cope with it faster than expected.

if you are looking for something egg free Breakfast ideas, don’t worry. These 7 high-protein breakfasts are not only healthy and nutritious, but also completely egg-free.

click here For breakfast recipe without eggs.

In the meantime, if you love to bake and are struggling to find egg substitutes, we have just what you need. These seven egg substitutes for baking can produce great results without any difference in taste.

click here To substitute eggs for baking.