Awaiting clarity on various aspects of Omicron: WHO

‘It is not yet clear whether Omicron is more transmissible or causes more serious infections’

The constant flow of information about Omicron has made people worry about the efficacy of vaccines against the new variant, the rate of transmission, concerns about the third wave of the coronavirus, and the severity of infections caused by other aspects. Have given.

On Sunday, the World Health Organization (WHO) explained all that is currently known about its transmission potential, severity, effectiveness of testing and vaccines and necessary treatment. For most aspects, however, the WHO said clarity remains to be achieved. In its communication titled ‘Updates on Omicron’, the WHO said it is not yet clear whether Omicron is more transmissible and causes more severe disease than other types of infection, including Delta.

“WHO is working with technical partners to understand the potential impact of this version on our current countermeasures, including vaccines. Widely used PCR tests continue to detect infections, including infection with Omicron, as we have seen with other types. Studies are ongoing to determine if there is any effect on other types of tests, including rapid antigen detection tests,” it said,

WHO is coordinating with researchers around the world to gain a better understanding of omicrons. “Studies currently or ongoing include assessment of severity of infection, severity of infection (including symptoms), performance of vaccines and clinical trials, and effectiveness of treatments,” it said.
