Bacon inspires frenzy in books, memes, and around the world. And there is also a World Bacon Day Rahul Verma

Bacon has been around for centuries and is loved by gourmets and gourmands alike.

Bacon has been around for centuries and is loved by gourmets and gourmands alike.

Two celebrity food show hosts were discussing ways to cook bacon, and the world was listening. writer-chef Padma Lakshmi By asking what seemed to be a simple question, the ball started rolling, but clearly it was not.

“What’s the best way to cook bacon? Oven, microwave, stovetop,” she asked on Twitter a few weeks ago. American celeb chef Alex Guarnachelli suggests stovetop. “Lay the strips in a single layer. Pour inch of water into the skillet. Drain the water and cook till crispy,” she tweeted. Padma Lakshmi’s question prompted over 6,600 responses, some urging her to let the pig stay.

Bacon, clearly, is a subject that excites passion. Two recent books are devoted to the pork product, which has also inspired a movement called Bacon Mania. Released in 2021, For the Love of Bacon: The Bacon Cookbook More by Nick Price bacon everyday There are few jaw-dropping recipes like this one for deep-fried, bacon-wrapped asparagus by Rita Roden. Bacon was inspiring as a subject of cooking and writing in 1824, when it came to Mary Randolph Virginia housewifeOne of America’s first cookbooks.

a place in every dish

Books on Bacon can line a vast library. I have a particular favorite bacon bible (2019), written by Chef Peter Sherman with Stephanie Banius. This includes everything from salads to entrées, from types of bacon to sauces and dips. “Bacon has a place in almost every dish. I’ve tried Cajun and Maple Bacon, Corn Cob-Smoked, and Apple Cider-Flavored, just to name a few. There are hundreds more variations. It’s the simplicity of the bacon that’s going on.” allows for this kind of flavor,” Sherman writes.

A book that takes a contradictory stance is Who Poisoned Your Bacon: The Dangerous History of Meat Additives by Guillaume Coudre, published earlier this year. It looks at the meat processing industry and carcinogenic practices such as bacon coloring.

But for bacon lovers, it’s just another dangerous theory. They would rather go with the character of Burgess Meredith or Grandpa Gustafsson from the 1995 film grumpier old menin which he reveals the secret of his long life to Jack Lemon: “Every morning, I wake up, and I smoke a cigarette. And then I eat five strips of bacon. And for lunch, I have a bacon sandwich. And for lunch? Bacon! A whole damn plate! And I usually drink my dinner. Now according to all those flat-belly experts, I should have taken a shit nap like 30 years ago But every year comes and goes, and I’m still here. Ha! And keep on coloring. You know?”

He knows what he’s talking about. Bacon has been around for centuries and is loved by gourmets and gourmands alike. Having emerged in Chinese kitchens several thousand years ago, it has made a place not only in cookbooks but also in many websites.

burning glory

Take ‘A Short History of Bacon’ eats spruce, a website dedicated to food and recipes. There, food writer Peggy Trowbridge presents some interesting facts about Philippone bacon (“Well in the 16th century, the Middle English word bacon either bacon referred to all pork in general”). had promised to give a favor to Bacon who could swear before the congregation and God. That he had not quarreled with his wife for a year and a day. A husband who could ‘bring home the bacon’ was highly respected by the community for his tolerance,” she writes.

With the global frenzy over bacon, I’m not surprised that there is World Bacon Day. On September 3, kitchens around the world will be hit with rashers.

And those who follow Padma Lakshmi and Guaranachelli are going to put it in the water, on the stovetop.

The author loves to read and write about food as much as he loves to cook and eat. well almost.