Bad road design also a big risk factor in India: Second lesson from Cyrus Mistry accident

The tragic road accident on the Mumbai-Ahmedabad highway, in which prominent businessman Cyrus Mistry died, has highlighted the importance of wearing rear-seatbelts in cars.

But apart from this factor a seven-member forensic team consisting of two PhDs, mechanical and civil engineers from IIT Kharagpur, and one member specializing in simulation and modelling, commissioned by the SaveLife Foundation, Allegedly It was found that an infrastructure issue also contributed to the accident: “The wall of the bridge parapet was found to extend into the shoulder lane.”

Remind that Union Road Transport and Highways Minister Nitin Gadkari himself has said times of India That the main causes of road accidents and deaths are faulty road engineering, faulty DPR (Detailed Project Report), poor designing of junctions, inadequate signage and road marking.

Similarly, the ministry report good Road accidents in 2020 note that violations such as overspeeding and driving in the wrong direction are not human error alone, although they are usually official reasons; Instead it is important to expand the scope of road engineering measures to address problems that are prima facie perceived as human error and enforcement issues.

So if one conclusion from this high-profile accident is that there should be a strong public attention to rear-seatbelt wear, another is that road accidents are usually multi-caused and the road environment plays an important role in improving it. should be done.

For example a well designed highway should facilitate high mobility while safely separating slow moving traffic and its merger with urban roads should also be systematic. If countries with much higher speed limits have far fewer road accidents than India, there is certainly a reason why their highways are not randomly arrived, but well designed.


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