Baghel joins Aam Janata Party amid state meeting

Chhattisgarh general manager Bhupesh Baghel (file photo)

New Delhi/Raipur :

This was able to sit in a sitting position with a change in the sitting position to sit in a sitting position with a change in the sitting position to sit in a sitting position. As Baghel’s old saying goes, these are definitely amazing. Delhi member Brihaspat Singh on Friday made no question of the change maker in the state even far and wide and Baghel was fully appointed. We’re gonna keep our phones. until the strong winds strong winds

this also further

Till today 20 members join Delhi and on Friday 10 members join the national capital. In Chhattisgarh, the state president Baghel had announced a future meeting in the future. Like this in Delhi. When asked about the MLAs reaching Delhi, Congress in-charge for Chhattisgarh affairs PL Punia said on Thursday that he has not been contacted by any MLA so far.

Baghel never spoke about this. Every step should be considered. If a person has gone somewhere, he should not be looked at through a political lens. Singhdev had also tried to ignore it and said, “Now 70 can go to 70. What is the film theme? If you attend the meeting. What’s new in Chhattisgarh in the state?’ ‘We will all agree.’

The Congress in Chhattisgarh in 2018 had posted the post in November 2021 after Baghel’s year changed to the post. After sitting on the post in the state, the high command gave the post to Baghel and Singhdeo in Augusta. When Baghel in Delhi.

. Baghel had also said that he had also kept on the post. Baghel and Singhdeo have refrained from commenting on the leadership issue after their meeting with the high command in the national capital, but the tussle between the two factions in the state did not subside.

(news said)


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