Balagopal: Min Balagopal welcomes SC order on GST. Thiruvananthapuram News – Times of India

Thiruvananthapuram: finance Minister KN Balagopal welcome on thursday Supreme court The Council ruled on the GST and said it would help protect the federal rights of the state.
“The SC order upholds the spirit of cooperative federalism. The judgment passed by the bench of Justice DY Chandrachud confirms the views of the Left Parliament and out. The implementation of GST and unilateral decisions have affected the revenue of the states. I am hopeful that the decision will help in protecting the financial identity and powers of the states,” he said.
As a member of the GST Selection Committee, Balagopal He had said that many provisions in the GST Bill can go against the interests of the states. “I hope this decision will inspire the central government to take a decision keeping in mind the interests of the states,” he said.