Ban on GM Mustard Harms Indian Farmers Supreme Court Should Choose Science Over Ideology

aSupreme Court intentionally A farmers’ body is building on a case to determine the fate of genetically modified mustard in India One Trying to do its Voice heard in the top court of India

farmer organizationOpposing the petition filed by a Maharashtra-based farmers union activist Aruna Rodrigues is demanding a ban on Genetically Modified (GM) Mustard. based on their experience Bt cotton, farmers argue that GM mustard has the potential to increase food production and improve their livelihoods.

even if their Application Was taken on record on 17 November 2022, it’s disappointing that the farmer—who has the most skin in the game—is Supreme Court did not listen So far,

While accepting the application, which advocateEd For the release of GM mustard, the bench asked, where were you all these years? The question fails to take into account the disparity in resources and power between those fighting for and against releasing GM mustard.

Activists, with the means to go to court and defend themselves, are pushing for a complete ban on GM technology from the past two decades, Meanwhile, the farmers who stand to gain a lot are busy in the daily struggle to earn a living. Should the use of technology hinder a farmer’s right to choose a better life? By Lack of resources and access to legal avenues?

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ban on GM crops

GM crops have been used commercially Stuck In limbo for the last 18 years. These crops have been a controversial topic of debate in India since they were first introduced for commercial cultivation in 2002. Gene Campaign, an NGO along with Aruna Rodrigues and others, filed a public interest litigation in 2004 challenging the use of GM. organisms, GM Mustard is their latest victim.

Developed by Indian scientists, GM mustard has ability To revolutionize agriculture and make the farmer betters’ livelihood. However, activists have claimed that it poses a threat to the environment and human health. On the other hand farmers argue that The ban is a big blow to the agriculturists and They will be at a disadvantage compared to farmers in other countries who are already using GM technology.

Apart from improving livelihood, Farmers believe that GM technology can help them adapt to changing climatic conditions, promoting sustainable agriculture, and enhancing food security. The organization has urged in its application Supreme Court To consider the benefits of GM mustard for farmers and agriculture industry. ban on Like this The technologies will further disadvantage farmers, especially in India’s arid regions, where traditional farming methods have proved inadequate. The organization emphasized that farmers should not be prevented from using the technology because of the unproven and superstitious beliefs of the petitioners. GM crops can increase yields and reduce production costs, leading to higher profits.

hanging in the balance

Despite the potential benefits of GM crops, their adoption in India has been slow due to regulatory hurdles and resistance by ideological activists. looking at the challenges ahead of the country In agriculture, it is important that due consideration is given to all possible solutions, including GM crops. Ultimately, decisions on GM mustard should be based on sound science and evidence, rather than emotion or ideology. It will ensure that any decision taken is in the best interest of all stakeholders and the environment.

while the Supreme Court is still announcement of Next date of hearing, the question remains: will the voice of the farmers be finally heard and their right to choose a dignified life through the use of technology upheld?

Astha Pandey and Arjun Krishnan are Research Associates at the Center for Civil Society. Thoughts are personal.

(Edited by Ratan Priya)