Banaras Locomotive Works wants to increase income through exports – Henry Club

Banaras Locomotive Works (BLW), a production unit of the Indian Railways, plans to expand its income through manufacturing of locomotives for export.

In 2021, it made six 3,000s. order completed Himachal Pradesh Cape gauge locomotive for Mozambique. Following an agreement for the order with Rail India Technical and Economic Service (RITES) in November 2020, the locomotives were handed over from March to August this year, and it received the order for the seventh locomotive in September.

“The Mozambique order is important because the whole thing was completed in the time of Covid. We got the order in November 2020… It is difficult to fulfill international orders in such a short time, that too when our more than 1,000 employees were suffering from covid in April and May. Secondly, it provided supply opportunities to the private sector and the public sector. “Many firms have partnered with us and a new market has opened up for them,” said Anjali Goel, General Manager, BLW.