Bangladesh: Bengali Hindus protest outside UK Parl and BBC over anti-Hindu atrocities in Bangladesh – Times of India

London: Hundreds of Bangladeshi Hindus of Indian origin joined Bengali Hindu A protest was held outside the Parliament House of Britain on Wednesday demanding pressure from the British government Bangladesh To act on the recent anti-Hindu atrocities.
Protesters, men, women and children traveled from Bradford, Birmingham, Manchester, Wales and Scotland to London.
outside the House of Commons They raised slogans of “Stop killing Hindus” and “We want justice” and held placards saying “Stop ethnic cleansing in Bangladesh”.
Youth Ambassador Himaniesh Goswami said, “There are a large number of Bangladeshi Hindus living in the UK and we want British parliamentarians to know what is happening in Bangladesh. We want the UK Foreign Office to act on the Bangladesh government.” Build pressure.” For Bangladeshi Hindu Association (UK).
They walked from Regent Street, past confused shoppers to BBC Headquarters, where they demanded the broadcaster cover the anti-Hindu riots and questioned its silence, shouting “Bias BBC”, holding placards that said: “We are the BBC and the world.” Demand a media inquiry and report on atrocities on Hindus in Bangladesh.”
Bangladesh-born Muslim Rumi Haq (48) joined the protest. “It happens every year. It is being done by Islamic extremists who want to make Bangladesh a Muslim country. I think it should be funded by Saudi Arabia or Pakistan. Preachers in Bangladesh are radicalizing the youth. This is an attempt at caste cleansing. They want to get rid of all minorities. Majority of Muslims in Bangladesh do not support it, but they are too afraid to speak up.”
Kolkata-born Bikram Banerjee from the Bengali Hindu Adarsh ​​Sangh UK (BHAS UK), which represents Bengali Hindus in the UK, said: “The BBC is suspiciously silent, saying nothing about the human rights violations taking place in Bangladesh. But we are British taxpayers. Hindu life matters. We hope they fulfill their (responsibility) as a news broadcaster.”
Bangladesh-born Proshant Purokayastha, president of BHAS UK, said: “This has been going on since 1946, the administration is not taking any action so we want the UK government to pressurize Bangladesh and negotiate and stop the violence.”
Bangladeshi-born Briton Shatta Bhowmik (19) said: “It’s a daily thing when we go to temples in Bangladesh, they spit on us and they always want to convert us. Islam. As a woman you have to dress decently. There my family has not been able to go out after the violence. The government shut down the internet to hide what was happening. I hope the British government can influence Bangladesh.”
Biplab Roy Chowdhury, who fled India at the age of five months after his father’s murder in Bangladesh in 1973, told TOI: “Where there used to be entire villages of Hindus, there are now only three or four houses.”
Over 150 British Indian organizations have sent a joint letter to the UK PM boris johnson Calling the British government to condemn the violence and to the Bangladesh government to protect Hindu minorities, to bring perpetrators to justice, to ensure that the Bangladeshi government restores Hindu temples, and to use its influence to ensure Bangladesh’s adherence. Ask for Commitment to human rights.
Conservative MP Bob Blackman introduced two opening day motions in the House of Commons condemning the violence.

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