Banks will be closed these days in October 2021: See full list here

Bank holidays in October 2021: ATM access and online banking services to remain open for customers

There are at least 21 days in October when banks – both public and private – will be closed in some states as it is a major holiday month with pan-India level festivals such as Dussehra, Durga Puja and Eid-e-Mildunnabi.

In addition, Gandhi Jayanti is also celebrated on 2 October, which is a national holiday to mark the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi. There are some regional holidays when banks in certain states will be closed during the month.

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) releases its monthly list of holidays under three categories, namely holidays under the Negotiable Instruments Act, holidays under the Negotiable Instruments Act and real time gross settlement holidays and closing of bank accounts.

Check out the complete list of bank holidays in October 2021 here:

October 1 – Half Yearly Closure of Bank Accounts (Sikkim)

2 October – Gandhi Jayanti (Pan India)

October 3 – Sunday (weekly holiday)

6 October – Mahalaya Amavasye (West Bengal, Tripura, Karnataka)

7 October – Mera Chowren Hauba of Lanningthou Sanmahi (Tripura, West Bengal, Meghalaya)

October 9 – Second Saturday

10 October – Sunday (weekly holiday)

October 12 – Durga Puja or Maha Saptami (West Bengal, Tripura)

13 October – Durga Puja or Maha Ashtami (West Bengal, Sikkim, Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha, Manipur, Tripura, Assam)

14 October – Durga Puja, Dussehra or Maha Navami, Ayu Puja (West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Tripura, Tamil Nadu, Sikkim, Puducherry, Odisha, Nagaland, Meghalaya, Kerala, Karnataka, Jharkhand, Bihar and Assam)

15 October – Durga Puja, Dussehra, Dussehra or Vijaya Dashami (all over India except Manipur and Himachal Pradesh)

16 October – Durga Puja or Dasain (Sikkim)

17 October – Sunday (weekly holiday)

18 October – Kati Bihu (Assam)

19 October – Eid-e-Milad, Eid-e-Mildunnabi, Milad-e-Sharif or the birthday of Prophet Mohammed (All India except Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Uttarakhand, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Jammu, Kashmir) ) Uttar Pradesh, Kerala, Delhi, Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand)

October 20 – Birthday of Maharishi Valmiki, Lakshmi Puja, Eid-e-Milad (Tripura, Punjab, West Bengal, Karnataka, Haryana and Himachal Pradesh)

22 October – Friday after Eid-e-Milad-un-Nabi (Jammu and Kashmir)

23 October – Fourth Saturday

24 October – Sunday (weekly holiday)

26 October – Accession Day (Jammu and Kashmir)

31 October – Sunday (weekly holiday)


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