Bay of Bengal: 20 fishermen missing after boat capsizes in Bay of Bengal – Times of India

Dhaka: There were at least 20 people missing after a boat 21. Carry fishermen turned in Bay of Bengal, the media reported on Tuesday.
Officials are searching for 20 people missing at sea off Bangladesh, Xinhua news agency reported. One survivor was pulled out of the rough seas, where his fishing boat capsized in Cyclonic storm Jawad.
Golam Mustafa Chowdhury, president of the Barguna District Fishermen’s Trawler Owners Association in Barguna, about 180 km south of the capital Dhaka, said, “The ship carrying 21 fishermen capsized in the Bay of Bengal and 20 of them, Xinhua news agency reported. are missing.” ,
Mustafa Choudhury said: “We learned from the survivor on Monday night that the ship capsized and sank in the Bay of Bengal.”
Fisherman Hafizur Rahman, who was rescued by the crew of another ship around 11 pm local time on Monday, told that 21 fishermen were on board the fishing vessel, he said.
Barguna district police chief Jahangir Malik told Xinhua that the boat capsized near a remote island.
