BBMP registers case against missing COVID-19 patient, hotel

The BBMP registered a case against a 66-year-old COVID-19 patient from South Africa who allegedly checked out of a hotel in Bengaluru by showing a negative certificate, and the hotel’s failure to inform the authorities For when he was checking out on 4th December. ,

The authorities have intensified efforts to nab him.

On December 5, based on a complaint by Shivajinagar Medical Officer Dr Naveen Kumar M, the High Ground Police booked the person and management of Shangri-La Hotel on Palace Road under section 269 (Negligent act to spread infection). 271 (disobedience to quarantine rule) and 114 (abetment of offence) of the Karnataka Epidemic Diseases Act.

Dr. Kumar said in his complaint that the person had come to Bangalore on November 20. A test at the airport revealed that he was infected with COVID-19. Based on the result, he was sent to Shangri-La Hotel for a 14-day quarantine. The hotel staff was asked to alert the BBMP officials when they checked out.

Despite specific instructions, the management allowed them to be checked out on November 27, but failed to inform the BBMP, the civic body has alleged.

On enquiry, the management justified its action stating that the person had submitted a COVID-19 negative certificate from SR Lab at the time of check out.

This is a clear negligence on the part of the management and they are responsible for spreading the infection, according to the complaint of Dr Kumar, who said that the management and the accused are liable to legal action for serious lapses.
