Be the life of the party!

“Do you enjoy going to parties?”

“Parties? I guess I enjoy attending one from time to time. But I’m not what you might call a party animal.”

“A party animal? Is she someone who loves going to parties?”

“Yeah that’s right! He is someone who really awaits them. Not only that, he is someone who actively participates in the events that take place in the party. Like dance, sports etc.”

“In other words, a party animal is someone who is outgoing. He is not someone who goes to a party and sits in a corner looking at people.”

“A party animal certainly wouldn’t be sitting in a corner. He very well could be the life of the party. ,

“Understood. He’s the kind of guy who makes sure he and the others in the party have a great time.”

“That’s right! Well, she doesn’t necessarily have to be ‘that’ all the time. A woman can be a party animal too.”

“Got it. I don’t think there’s a party animal in my family.”

“I have some friends who are party animals. Every weekend they need to enjoy going to some party or the other. By the way, if you do not like the use of the word ‘animal’, then you can call such a person a ‘party person’. I have been told that my new boss Anuradha is a party person.”

“I heard the same thing. He threw a party for the guys in your department, didn’t you? Did you and your friends enjoy?”

“The party was absolutely boring! Most of the people who came out were wallflowers.”

“Wallflowers? I didn’t know people could be called wallflowers!”

“They certainly can—especially, in informal contexts. When you refer to someone as a wallflower, what you’re suggesting is that the person is very shy. This person is very shy at social events.” She doesn’t like to participate, and when she does, she makes sure not to attract the attention of others. She prefers not to notice.”

“You keep saying ‘he’. Does that mean the word can only be used with women?”

“Mostly with women. But it can also be used with men. These individuals do not participate in any activities because of being shy. They only stand to see others.”

“How about this example? I have known Sujatha all my life. No one in her right mind would say she is a wallflower.”

“I totally agree with you. Sujatha is definitely not a wallflower. Her sister, on the other hand, is the opposite. She is a very shy person. She is definitely a wallflower. As for you, my dear friend, You are not a shrinking purple.”

“Shrinking purple? Isn’t that the name of the flower?”

“Very cool. It’s the name of a flower. When used with people, it has more or less the same meaning as ‘wallflower’.”

“In other words, a timid or shy person is a shrinking violet.”

“That’s right! My friend Ramesh was a shrinking purple during his teenage years.”

“Really? He’s not a shrinking purple anymore, that’s for sure.”

“Here’s another example. It’s time to make tough decisions. You can’t afford to be a shrinking violet, Mala.”

“Listen no evil, speak no evil and you will never be invited to a party.”

-Oscar Wilde
