Beauty Tips: Remedy for Pimples, Strawberry Skin and Chapped Lips

Clogging of pores leads to acne, blackheads and whiteheads. (Image: shutterstock)

One of the most common skin related issues is acne. Oily skin, clogged pores or hormonal imbalance can cause acne or pimples on our face, torso and back.

Many of us spend exorbitant amount on salon treatments to get healthy and glowing skin. But, an annoying pimple can completely destroy our confidence. Our skin gets affected by strong irritants and dust particles which leads to breakouts, allergies and rashes.

One of the most common skin related issues is acne. Oily skin, clogged pores or hormonal imbalance can cause acne or pimples on our face, torso and back. Another common problem that many of us face is the skin of strawberries. In this condition, the pores become clogged and dark seed-like spots appear on the fleshy surface of the strawberry. Also, we sometimes tend to neglect our lips, which also need equal attention.

To avoid this, here is a list of expert advice on each skin related issue-


Acne is a common skin condition where the pores of your skin become clogged. But it affects self-confidence and mental health. Factors like menopause, PCOD, menstrual cycle, past medical problems, diet, smoking and drinking are responsible for regular breakouts. In an interview with Vogue, beauty dermatologist Dr. Alexis Granite said that genetics also play a big role in acne. Processed foods, high stress levels, pollution, endocrine disruptors and microplastics are the leading causes of acne in adults. He also said that since puberty is happening early in a child’s life, it means that acne will be present there as well.

She recommends using creams, hormonal treatments, and antibiotics. The expert said earlier tea tree oil was used to treat acne, but now with a wide range of alternatives available, salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, AHA (alpha hydroxy acid), BHA (beta hydroxy acid ) can be invested in products containing ingredients like and PHAs (polyhydroxy acids) that treat inflammation, unclog pores, and dry up oil in the skin to an extent.

back acne or backne

Just like our face and body, our back can also be affected by acne. Lexi Sipes, a medical esthetician from Ontario in Canada, shared an informative post on Instagram about ‘Let’s Talk Back. According to him, back acne occurs when sweat, oil, dead skin cells and bacteria get trapped in the pores of our skin. It can be caused by hormonal imbalance, genetics, shampoo or conditioner residue during showers, diet, tight clothing, or oily hair. Sitting in sweaty clothes after a workout, or using unwashed clothing, sheets, and towels can also be a contributing factor.

She suggests-

  1. Change your sheets and towels frequently (at least once a week).
  2. Use products with ingredients like salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide.
  3. Shower and change clothes immediately after exercising.
  4. Put your hair up and dress in loose clothing.
  5. Use a non-comedogenic (skin formula that won’t cause clogged pores) SPF.
  6. He also suggested back facials and chemical peels to treat back pain.

strawberry skin

Strawberry skin occurs when hair follicles become clogged with dirt, dead skin, and oil. It does not cause itching or pain. Matthew Janick of the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, strawberry skin can be caused by shaving, dry skin or folliculitis. He recommends-

  1. Using a post-shave moisturizer will keep the skin moist and hydrated and shave in the direction of hair growth. This will prevent razor bumps that can lead to strawberry legs.
  2. Gentle exfoliation removes dead skin and makes it difficult to clog pores or hair follicles. Always apply hydrating lotion after this.
  3. Using an epilator that removes hair at the root. It’s similar to waxing minus the heat. Also, it does not carry the same risk of folliculitis as shaving or waxing.
  4. Permanent hair removal options such as electrolysis use a low electric current to remove the hair. And the other is laser hair removal which removes it precisely.

chapped lips

Madhuri Agarwal, founder of Yavan Aesthetic Clinic, Mumbai, believes that choosing the right lip balm that locks in the moisture and doesn’t make you feel like reapplying it after a few minutes is enough. For soft and supple lips, she recommends looking for moisturizing ingredients like lanolin, shea butter, beeswax, glycerin, ceramides, and panthenol when buying chapstick, rather than how well they smell.

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