Bedlam in Bengal Assembly: Legislatures must restore the tradition of debate and discussion

Clashes between Trinamool and BJP MLAs led to a ruckus in the Bengal Assembly yesterday, following which the Speaker suspended five BJP members. The controversy started when BJP MLAs stormed the Well of the Assembly demanding the statement of Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on the recent Birbhum massacre. Trinamool MLAs confronted him, leading to a scuffle.

This is definitely despicable. The Legislative Assembly meets to discuss genuine matters and not to convert into a venue for wrestling matches. As the assembly meetings in the states are getting reduced in the last few years. It not only makes fun of democratic norms but also inevitably lowers the quality of law making. This in turn leads to poor governance. And all this comes at the cost of taxpayers’ money.

Read also: Bengal House controversy MLA’s nose is bleeding

At the heart of the problem is the intense political polarization seen across the country. Electoral politics today is about winning at all costs. And this includes not only opposing the proposal of rival parties but also demonstrating political opponents. Therefore, the basis for rational discussion has shrunk dramatically. Bengal, given its highly politicized society, is a classic example, where both the ruling Trinamool and the opposition BJP rely on muscle power to maintain or occupy political space. This trend seems to be affecting the conduct of top leaders themselves. Unless this change happens and legislators return to the traditions of democratic debate and discussion, Indian politics will soon be like a collection of political gangs and powerhouses.


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