Beijing’s pet lovers turn to acupuncture to treat their furry friends

Tied up, the prone poodle watches the vet in bewilderment as he gently sticks fine needles into his back and paws, calling on the ancient art of acupuncture to treat a pet’s aches and pains. Duniyau is one of a growing number of animals being signed up for traditional medicine in China – the care their owners say is less invasive and comes with fewer side effects than conventional treatments. At a Beijing practice, pets of all shapes and sizes come in for a treat. “The advantage of traditional Chinese medicine is that there is no surgery,” Zhai Chunyu, 38, told AFP.

“So the animal’s suffering is reduced.”

At only three years old, Dunneau suffers from Legg-Calve-Perthes disease, which affects the thigh bone and can lead to painful osteoarthritis.

“He was in so much pain that he could no longer put his paw on the ground” and “had no appetite,” says Zhai, who works in finance.

“A doctor advised me to have the femur head removed. But I didn’t want to because I have another poodle who has been there and has suffered a lot from the operation and the after effects.”

But then a friend advised her to try acupuncture.

“After five to six sessions, we saw the results. Dunieu now manages to walk and even run a bit,” Zhai says.

treat them gently

Animal acupuncture is centuries old in China, says veterinarian Li Wen, who founded his practice in 2016.

“Traditional Chinese medicine is not intended to replace traditional medicine” because “both have strengths” and are complementary, he says.

Before starting treatment, the vet first examines the animal’s body, checks its eyesight and the color of its tongue, takes its pulse and asks questions to its owner.

He then puts his needles on specific acupuncture points for dogs and cats.

“I have an average of one or two out of 10 animals rebellious every day,” Lee says.

“You have to communicate with them, treat them gently, reassure them that you’re not here to hurt them.”

Soft bamboo flute music and chirping of birds are recorded in the clinic to help the animals relax.

Li mainly deals with cases of paralysis, weakness of limbs, epilepsy, pain and urinary retention.

But acupuncture can also be used for ailments when no other treatment is available.

Such was the case with Xiaomi, a 12-year-old male Labrador who was suffering from nerve compression in his lower back.

“Last September, after swimming, he was not able to get back on his feet. A veterinarian then told us it was impossible to treat and he would become paralyzed,” his owner Ma Lee, 41, told AFP.

“Thanks to the acupuncture, he still has difficulties but he can walk and even run normally.”

he loves her!

“The first time, he was scared,” says Yang Lihua, a 65-year-old retiree, with her Pekingese Nianian, who suffers from a herniated disc.

“Now he loves it! After the session, he is so comfortable he falls asleep in the car on the way home.”

The acupuncture market for animals is currently limited, Lee says.

“But since 2016, it’s gaining popularity,” he says.

“As education levels, living conditions improve, and incomes increase, more and more people are realizing the benefits of this drug.”

Ma’s Labrador jumps into the back seat of his mistress’s car while watching content after the session.

“Doesn’t he seem happy?” she shouts.

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