Bengal woman served food from marriage to the needy, won her heart

Weddings in India are a grand event with many ceremonies and celebrations. Food is an integral part of such weddings, and families often take extra necessities to ensure that their guests do not go hungry. Thus, a lot of food is wasted in the process. In such a situation, a woman dressed on a railway platform in Bengal and a woman offering leftover food of marriage to the poor is made on sight. We don’t know if this is some deeper principle about reducing waste or the goal of feeding the homeless, but nonetheless, the woman’s effort has been very inspiring.

Wedding photographer Nilanjan Mandal, share Moments on Wedding Photographers’ page on Facebook. Mandal identified the woman as Papiya Kar, who was seen feeding leftover food to the poor at her brother’s wedding. This happened on the morning of December 5 at around 1 am at Ranaghat Junction, Kolkata suburban railway station. We can see the woman in the pictures dressed in a traditional wedding dress and serving food on paper plates. People of all ages gathered on the platform where she was distributing food. The dishes served were dal, roti, vegetables and rice.

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Liked by over 1,200 people Facebook Posted and many people also commented on it. Some said that this was not an isolated case and that Kar had cooked food earlier and served it to the poor and needy. One of the commentators in Bengali appreciated the kindness of the woman and said that if everyone had the same mindset, society would be a better place. There were other comments such as “Great job”, “Great job”, and “Proud of you”.

A few days ago, in another similar humanitarian act, a 10-year-old girl, Lyla, who used to sell cookies to raise money for her foot treatment, got help from an Instagram user in the most unexpected way. User, Charlie Rocket, shared clip Showing off his conversation with the girl on Instagram. When he asks the girl about her “dream,” she says, “I love to cook. I made cookies today,” and adds that she attends a fundraiser at her home to treat her foot. was doing Click Here Watch the full clip of Charlie’s conversation with the girl and find out how he decides to surprise her.

We look forward to more such small acts of kindness because they never make us stop smiling.
