Bengali youth should speak in their mother tongue: Chief Minister Mamata on International Mother Language Day

West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee during the program on the occasion of International Mother Language Day, at Deshapriya Park, Kolkata on Tuesday. , Photo Credit: ANI

Emphasizing on the state’s culture of promoting unity amid diversity, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on February 21 said that for the growth and development of a language, it is important to include words used by the public in its dictionary. Is necessary.

Addressing an event at Deshapriya Park in south Kolkata on the occasion of International Mother Language Day, the chief minister called for opening rather than closing doors for any language to promote its development.

“We cannot keep our mind closed, we have to adopt other words and phrases which are used and understood by many Bengalis.” M.A.‘ is a universally understood term, but many people address their mother as ‘. Mother, People who have migrated from Bangladesh use some phrases which were not used by the people of this state.

“Language is like a flowing river. It is my humble request to linguists and experts that what is the harm in adding words to enrich our vocabulary without disturbing the basic spirit of the language?” the Chief Minister asked.

Pointing out that the meaning of language is communication, Ms. Banerjee said that it remains words that reach more people.

Noting that there was no harm in splurging on Bengali words that may not sound out of place, Ms Banerjee said “more people will understand the word”. jilrakshi‘ instead ‘ karakshi‘ Although ‘ jailer‘ is widely understood. And tell me, how many people understand the meaning of the word ‘ Reservation, [security],

Agreeing that there is a need for Bengali youth to study in English for employment and skill development in the international market, he lamented the tendency among a section of youth to abandon their mother tongue for other languages ​​while speaking at home. Expressed.

“Why don’t you speak Bengali at home, during dinner, in conversation with your near and dear ones and while doing daily chores? Bengali boys and girls should speak in their mother tongue,” she said.

Describing Bengal as a state representing unity amidst its rich diversity, Ms Banerjee said her government has recognized Hindi, Urdu, Kurmi, Santhali and Rajbanshi languages.

The CM said, “People of different religions and languages ​​live in Bengal, which is a matter of pride for us.” Most of the non-Bengali residents of the state speak Bengali.

The Chief Minister said that mother tongue can be compared to an important part of the human body.

He said, “Different languages ​​have merged to create the unique mosaic of India, a country where people speak many languages.”

During the event, a portal – ‘Moner Bangla Apon Bangla’ was launched to reach out to the Bengali diaspora living across the globe.

The Chief Minister said, “This portal will work to connect heart and mind.”

Ms Banerjee also read one of her poems at the event to mark the sacrifice of the people of erstwhile East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) who fought the imposition of Urdu nearly two decades before Bangladesh became independent and adopted Bangla as its official language. established as a language. Country.

February 21 is celebrated as International Mother Language Day as declared by the United Nations in 2000.