Better quality video from the stage itself, when it gets better during Paris Fashion Week. Video

To shine even on Paris Fashion Week

special things

  • keep fashion fashion in the sun
  • heart of inquiry
  • Promotion campaign on social media

New Delhi:

Bollywood actress Aishwarya Rai remains in the headlines due to her latest posts and videos. Also keep your own storage settings right. Actions created on social media on social media. They can get worse if the weather is bad. Not only fans, celebs have also praised him fiercely. Like the likes of first-timers they ever were.

this also further

stage contact status
(Aishwarya Rai) getting dressed to start the live video broadcast. Also wears Bab Bom. It will also WhatsApp to follow along with the music playing better for viewing.

with foreign
Even better with Ash Leela Bekhti (Leila Bekhti), Mirren (Helen Mirren) in season fashion. If they are engaged in such a way to sound like a light, then they are going to be well lighted for typing it. Now do health checkup in ‘Ponniyin Selvan’. Aligned he also appears in Awagrubh Kashyap’s film Ajeeb Jamin. Last time ‘Fanney Khan’ was seen.


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