Beyond Long Rides: Indian Motorcycle Clubs That Try to Bring Change in Society

Robert M. Pirsig, author of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, elevated the functional activity of motorcycling to a near-spiritual pursuit when he said, “Riding a motorcycle is a kind of meditation. Riding becomes a form of therapy.” One who withdraws from the world and engages himself and the environment.

However, riding a motorcycle, like meditation, is an individualistic ritual. It is a self-enriching pastime. But some Indian motorcycling clubs want to contribute to their respective communities along with the joy of riding.

Breaking the stereotypical ‘bad boy’ image associated with bikers, the members of these clubs not only show off their muscular motorcycles or ride to far off countries, they also try to do their bit for social welfare.

shattering stereotypes

Urvashi Pathole, 35, rode a bike for the first time when she was 14. She was inspired by her elder sister’s friend, a national boxing champion, who rode a Royal Enfield. A few years later, he and his friends in Pune took to stunt biking inspired by the film Dhoom. But when he did go to attend stunt meets, he was rarely allowed. They were discouraged, warned, ridiculed and mocked for riding motorcycles because “they weren’t for women”. Riding a motorcycle was considered a men’s arena. So, he asked himself, “Do we need to be in a place where we should continue to fight? Why don’t we create our own platform?”

So Urvashi, along with 10 other women on a Royal Enfield, scaled Khardung La, the world’s highest motorable road, and made it into the Limca Book of Records. It also marked the birth of Bikerni, an all-female motorcycle club that seeks to normalize women riding bikes.

Twelve years later, The Bikarni has 17 chapters across India with over 2,500 registered members. “These chapters are free-flowing. The women meet, go for rides, participate in DIY workshops on motorbikes, and meet riders from other clubs,” says Urvashi, who works in the automotive industry.

Unlike most motorbike groups, they are not exclusive to riders with high powered vehicles. Even moped riders are welcome, says Urvashi. “We want to promote women biking. Being a part of bikarni, they feel safe and united. They can just be themselves without judgment,” she adds.

salute to the army

Jaipur-based group, Rashtriya Riders, meanwhile, wants to celebrate the country’s armed forces. Club members visit places where the army has fought and meet the families of jawans and those killed in action. “Though we keep hearing about the sacrifices of the army, we hardly interact with them in person and are compelled to say ‘thank you’. That is all we wanted to do,” says Himmat Singh Shekhawat, who Founded the club with his friends Shivaditya Modi and Ravindra Jangid.

Himmat hails from a family of officers in the armed forces. His father, grandfather and uncle served in the army and his father-in-law in the Navy. Since he couldn’t realize his military aspirations, he did the next best thing he knew to be involved.

After obtaining necessary permissions, on Kargil Vijay Diwas 2016 (July 26), Himmat and five of his friends began a 16-day, 4,000 km long journey from Jaipur to Kargil. “It was an unforgettable experience,” says Himmat, “we handed him a large artwork signed by people from all over Jaipur.”

Since then, the national riders have claimed to have undertaken 20 more rides covering a distance of 27,000 kms, where they have met soldiers and their families. One such ride also yielded a book, The Tiger of Drass (HarperCollins India), which tells the story of Captain Anuj Nayyar (who fought and died during the 1999 Kargil War). Himmat co-authored the book with the captain’s mother Meena Nayyar.

“We also want to help the families of those who have been killed in action,” he adds, adding, “All our rides revolve around the armed forces. We do not do recreational rides or only Don’t hang around for the ride.

litter free destination

Bikers Troop Bengaluru, meanwhile, began as a regular motorbike club that went on recreational rides in and around Bengaluru. But the founder of the club, Harshit BK, was worried about the litter spoiling the beauty of the ride sites. So, along with his club members, he started organizing clean-up rides once in three months, where they pick up litter. “People make fun of us for it. Some even throw garbage when we clean,” says Harshit. Plastic bottles and covers are the most commonly thrown items. But during the club’s latest clean-up ride at Thottikallu Falls in Bengaluru, they found over 700 used diapers.

Despite this, Harshit and his fellow riders go places with gloves and garbage bags. Sometimes they also get external support. For example, students of Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumkur participated in their cleanliness drive on Sivagangai hills, where they collected 150 kg of used plastic bottles.

“We try to educate people to carry reusable plastic bottles or at least throw the used bottles in dustbins. When we go on our regular long rides, we make sure that we do not litter the place,” says Harshit.

From four people in 2020, the club now has over 400 members, according to Harshit. “We want more people to come forward and help us make these beautiful places litter-free.”

contribution to the community

Before taking up social responsibility, Madhusudan Singh used to do horse riding for fun. His Delhi-based club, The Harmony of Riders, has raised funds for girls’ education, donated blood and helped families of soldiers. “The club’s motto is Seva (Service), Shiksha (Education), and Suraksha (Safety). We try to help people at the grassroots level as much as we can.”

When asked what made him a socially responsible rider, he replied, “You get a sense of satisfaction when you give back to society.”

Irrespective of the works of charity, it raises a question: why does one need a motorcycle to do good to the society? In all of these stories, people came together to try to do something they believed was good. And guess what brought them together?