Bhagyashree tells us why it is important to include zinc in our diet

For some people, food is simply a means to satisfy hunger and urges. However, actress Bhagyashree is not among them. For him, food is an important source of nutrition. Eating proper foods is important not only to gain or lose weight, but also to maintain a healthy nutritional balance in our body. Bhagyashree recently shared a video on the importance of zinc in our diet. He emphasized the role of zinc in boosting the immune system. She said, “For non-vegetarians, it is very easy as they can have meat, fish, eggs. Vegetarians have to choose from kale, peas, garlic, dairy products like milk, curd, paneer.

Legumes also contain zinc. But this is the reason why Bhagyashree is not recommending it as a major source of the mineral. “Beans contain zinc but it is not easily absorbed by the body,” she adds, adding, “Make sure you are not only thinking about carbs, protein, and fat in your diet. Essential nutrients Equally important.”

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There is more from her side in the caption. He wrote, “Immunity is nowadays synonymous with health. New infections, different types of viruses, pollution and changing environments bring challenges that we have to deal with every day. Zinc is a micronutrient that has a huge impact on immunity. Since it cannot be produced by the body, we have to make sure we eat foods that contain it.”

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Bhagyashree does what she preaches. She often shares pictures of her healthy foods and drinks on social media. He recently shared a photo of Healthy Green Juice on Instagram Stories. She wrote “colorful morning” and added the hashtags “breakfast” and “healthy food.” read more about Here,

If you’re looking for inspiration to dive into a healthy diet, look no further. Bhagyashree is here with her healthy diet goals. by indulging healthy dinner a. teaming up with his girl gang for friday feastBhagyashree never compromises on her fitness goals. We were all in for a healthy meal when she shared a photo of leafy greens stacked on a bed of hummus, cucumbers, tomatoes, and croissants on the side with freshly brewed coffee. read more about Here,

If you are struggling with learning good eating habits or looking for healthier food options, look no further than Bhagyashree for inspiration.
