Bharat Jodo Yatra has changed the image of Rahul. But there is no guarantee of electoral victory

JayOurists almost never get it right. We keep telling politicians what they are doing wrong. And politicians ignore us because they know we don’t really understand how the political game is played. (Have you ever wondered why some journalists who enter politics do particularly well?)

So I’m happy to report that I’ve finally found an example Indian The journalists were mostly right.

It would be a huge stretch to say that Rahul Gandhi listens to journalistic criticism (Rahul isn’t very big on listening to anyone, really)., But of course the path he is following now is almost the same path most columnists have been urging him to take.

And it seems to be working.

For years now, Indian Journalists have also been saying the same things. Rahul Gandhi should not call the Prime Minister again and again Narendra Modi a ‘rascal’ (as in the watchman is a thief) because no one believes him. they should stop going abroad to mysterious places Now and then, he should stop trying to run Congress party because he Is Not very good at judging people or managing politics. He should stop playing the role of a reluctant successor. If he has given up the post of president (and he said he did after the last general election), he should let the party choose a new president and get himself out of the Delhi circuit. We know what Rahul thinks for BJP (because he tells us every week), But what does the Congress stand for? What is its message? He needs to tell us this.

What else, Rahul has done almost everything his critics have said he should do.

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‘Changed’ Rahul Gandhi

Whatever you think of Rahul Gandhi as a political leader (and I have been fiercely critical of him on this issue PFor the past few years), it is hard to deny that he is finally doing something that is working – the Bharat Jodo Yatra. nationwide walkathon Changed the image of Rahul And Boosted the broken morale of Congress workers. And it has given BJP politics a national character.

This is not the Rahul of the caricature,sitting at home playing with pidi (His Dog), While the regional leaders beg in front of them. it is not male One who makes bizarre personnel decisions from which state units never recover. it is not someone Who suddenly vanishes in mysterious foreign locations. it is not a person who, when he finally worked to give a interviewinsisted on choosing an interviewer who successfully made him look like a Idiot, this is not rahul gandhi speaks in riddles about the escape velocity of Jupiter or rather that India is a Bee -Hive,

Instead, there is a real person, walking among the people, reaching out to everyone who wants to connect with him, demonstrating that he has no need for the trappings of power. (And, slightly more curiously, that he has no need for a sweater or even a razor.)

The position he has chosen for the Congress is correct. At a time when there is so much hatred, Rahul says Congress stands for love and unity. This is a position with which one cannot argue. Who can resist love?

intuitively, most of us know that bharat jodo journey Is It’s working – at least to the extent that it has killed Rahul’s “entitled brat” caricature and boosted his popularity. But now we have more than intuition to go by.

I was listening to C-Voter’s Yashwant Deshmukh about Barkha Dutt mojo story, And they have data on how the perception of Rahul Gandhi is changing due to travel, Congress supporters don’t always like Yashwant because he tells them the truth, And the truth is not always pleasant. But I have always trusted his judgment and taken his statistics seriously.

In Karnataka, Rahul Gandhi’s The popularity continues to grow. one year ago, Only 38.8 percent of voters were satisfied with him. After travel, this figure increased to 57.7 percent. And although this number has decreased slightly as the journey has progressed, it is still around 55.8 percent. A year ago in Madhya Pradesh, 45.7 percent voters were satisfied with Rahul. After travel, this figure was 54 per cent. And Rahul’s popularity is increasing day by day. It is now at 56.3 per cent.

It is the same story in Telangana. A year ago only 34.6 per cent voters were satisfied with Rahul. The figure was 55.6 percent just after the trip. And it’s actually gone up a little bit now. In Rajasthan, this figure was 32.8 percent a year ago. after the trip, It increased to 40.8 percent. It’s Less Dramatic Than Other States, but rahul improved GandhiThe image of is undeniable.

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letting loose

All these things show that Rahul has blossomed since Congress got a new president in Mallikarjun Kharge, Freed from the burden of leading the party, he finally allowed his personality to emerge And Work hard to change your image (travel is a real slogan). he Letting people see her for who she really is, not through some disparaging media or army of trolls who are paid to name her every day.

All unusual warnings apply. A successful yatra does not necessarily translate into electoral victory. Chandrasekhar made a successful debut journey in 1983, Only to lose his own Lok Sabha seat the next year. Murli Manohar Joshi set out on the Ekta Yatra in 1991 as BJP President. The net result was the opposite of what they expected. He did not get a second term as BJP President and also spent his political career as a comedian.

so yeah nothing can comeadd a bharat Election related travel. We’ll have to wait and see. But who can deny that this avatar of Rahul Gandhi inspires his workers and makes the Congress look like a player again? This alone is more than anyone could have imagined a year ago.

Vir Shanghvi is a print and television journalist and talk show host. He tweeted @virsangvi. Thoughts are personal.

(Edited by Tarannum Khan)