Bhubaneswar: Rare brain surgery done at SUM Hospital. Bhubaneswar News – Times of India

Bhubaneswar: Doctor of Institute of Medical Sciences and SUM Hospital, Medical Faculty of Education ‘O’ Research (SOA) here, recently conducted an extremely complex case of brainstem cavernoma and myoclonic epilepsy,
Patient, Anil Mahanandia (28) Jharsuguda resident, was suffering from serious illness for last 22 years. He was discharged from the hospital on Friday after surgery. The hospital claimed that this surgery is one of its kind in India.
“It is a rare disease and we have successfully performed this rare surgery on the patient. Had the surgery not been done, it could have led to brain haemorrhage,” said Ashok Kumar Mohapatra, vice-chancellor of SOA and renowned neurosurgeon.
He said the patient was experiencing frequent hiccups and tremors, besides abnormal body movements affecting his face, tongue, abdomen and thigh, with a frequency of more than 30 per minute. He was unable to eat, sleep or stand. The Vice-Chancellor said that he did not get any relief even after getting treatment in many hospitals within and outside the state.
“After coming to SUM hospital, the senior neurologist Suryaprakash S Chowdhary It was found that the patient was suffering from myoclonic epilepsy. Further investigation revealed that Mahanandiya had a tumor inside the brain (brainstem cavernoma) which was a rare condition and required surgery which was very complicated and risky. However, a team led by neurosurgeons Atmaranjan Daso On November 26, a seven-hour long surgery was done to remove the tumour.”
According to research publications, Das said, this surgery was the seventh such case in the world and the first in India. He said that earlier surgery had not been attempted anywhere in the country to address such cases.
A day after the surgery, Das said, the patient was absolutely free of hiccups and was able to walk. “He got a new lease of life. In fact, he walked out of the hospital when he was discharged,” he said.
The costly surgery was done without any cost as the patient was covered under the Biju Swasthya Kalyan Yojana of the state government.
