Biden warns Putin of sanctions, military support to Ukraine over Russian invasion

WASHINGTON/MOSCOW: US President Joe Biden warned Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday that the West would impose “strong economic and other measures” on Russia if Russia invades Ukraine, while Putin demanded guarantees that NATO would go ahead. Will not extend east.

The two leaders held virtual two-hour talks over Ukraine and other disputes in a video call about US-Russian ties, which have fallen to their lowest point since the end of the Cold War more than three decades ago.

The Kremlin, which said ahead of Tuesday’s meeting that it did not expect any success, denied any intention to attack Ukraine and said its military’s posture was defensive.

US officials said before the video conference that Biden would tell Putin that Russia and its banks could face the harshest sanctions if it attacks Ukraine.

The sanctions, one source said, could target Russia’s biggest banks and dent Moscow’s ability to convert the ruble into dollars and other currencies, prompting Putin to use thousands of troops near the Ukrainian border to attack his southern neighbour. is designed to prevent.

“Things we didn’t do in 2014, we’re ready to do now,” US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said, referring to Russia’s annexation of Crimea from Ukraine.

Biden was “direct and direct” with Putin, with Sullivan telling the Russian leader that the United States and European allies would provide Ukraine with additional defensive capability, as well as strengthen NATO allies in the region.

“There was a lot of give and take, no finger pointing, but the president was clear where the United States stands on all these issues,” Sullivan said.

The Kremlin said Putin told Biden that it was wrong to put all the responsibility on Russia’s shoulders for the current tensions.

Moscow has voiced growing irritation over Western military aid to Ukraine, a fellow former Soviet republic that has tilted west since a popular uprising toppled a pro-Russian president in 2014, calling it creeping NATO expansion. Huh.

Russia wants guarantee

The Kremlin said Putin told Biden he wanted credible, legally binding guarantees against NATO’s further eastward expansion and complained about NATO’s efforts to “develop” Ukrainian territory.

According to the Kremlin, Putin also asked for a guarantee that aggressive strike systems would not be deployed in countries close to Russia.

Both sides agreed to continue contact and directed their teams to consult on questions regarding Ukraine.

Biden reiterated US support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and called for de-escalation and diplomacy, the White House said.

Russian TV footage showed Biden and Putin greeting each other in a friendly way at the start of the virtual summit.

Both sides say they hope the two leaders can hold an in-person summit to discuss ties between the two countries, which have long held differences over Syria, US economic sanctions and alleged Russian cyber attacks on US companies .

A Ukrainian official said after the talks that Kiev was grateful to Biden for his “unwavering support”.

A US Congressional defense bill released after talks included $300 million for Ukraine’s military.

Washington has accused Russia of gathering troops near the border with Ukraine to intimidate an aspiring NATO member, suggesting it may be a repetition of Moscow’s 2014 playbook, when it sacked Crimea from Ukraine. The Black Sea peninsula was seized.

Moscow has questioned Ukrainian intentions and said it wants guarantees that Kiev will not use force to try to recapture territory lost in 2014 to Russia-backed separatists, a scenario Ukraine has rejected. .

For the Kremlin, the growing NATO embrace of neighboring Ukraine – and what it sees as the nightmare prospect of coalition missiles in Ukraine targeted against Russia – is a “red line” it will not be allowed to cross.

western allies engaged

The White House said the leaders of Britain, the United States, France, Germany and Italy spoke on Monday and “agreed to remain in close contact on a coordinated and comprehensive approach in response to Russia’s military build-up on Ukraine’s borders”. “, the White House said.

The Russian ruble weakened slightly on Tuesday, with some market analysts predicting talks would ease tensions and others saying the threat of US sanctions eroded hopes of finding common ground.

Should Russia invade Ukraine, the Biden administration has discussed targeting Putin’s inner circle, but no decision has been made, a US source said.

Another source said sanctions against the largest Russian banks and converting the ruble to dollars and other currencies are also being considered.

A senior congressional aide said US officials have told members of Congress they have an understanding with Germany about shutting down the Nord Stream 2 pipeline if Russia attacks Ukraine.

The United States has assessed the possibility of curbing the ability of investors to buy Russian debt on the secondary market, a measure that, only taken by Washington, was seen as having a serious impact on Russia’s government. , according to a person matter with direct knowledge.

Washington may also target the Russian Direct Investment Fund.

CNN reported that sanctions could include disconnecting Russia from the SWIFT international payment system used by banks around the world, an extreme move that would require coordination with allies.

German Greif, chief executive of Russia’s top bank Sberbank, called that idea “nonsense” and “impossible to execute” on Tuesday.

The White House declined to comment.

Ukraine and NATO powers accused Russia of building up troops near the border, raising fears of a possible attack. Moscow denies any such plans and accuses Kiev of depositing its forces in its east, where Russian-backed separatists control a large area of ​​Ukrainian territory.

The United States has urged both countries to return to a set of largely unaffiliated agreements signed in 2014 and 2015 that were designed to end the conflict in eastern Ukraine.

(Additional reporting by Idris Ali and Trevor Hunnicut in Washington, Gleb Stolyarov, Dmitry Antonov, Alexander Marrow, Tom Balmforth and Katya Golubkova in Moscow, Michelle Nichols at the United Nations; Editing by Heather Timmons, Alistair Bell and Mark Heinrich)

Disclaimer: This post has been self-published from the agency feed without modification and has not been reviewed by an editor

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