Biden, Xi hold talks amid Taiwan tensions

United States President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping held a phone meeting on Thursday amid rising tensions between the two countries over a range of issues, most recently over US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s possible upcoming visit to Taiwan.

Thursday’s call was his first since March – and the fifth since Mr Biden took office – and came amid fears of a new Taiwan crisis, fueled by a flurry of tensions over matters ranging from trade and technology to the South China Sea. Adds a long list.

China intensified its warnings over Ms Pelosi’s announced visit this week, saying the US would face all consequences if the visit marked the highest level of engagement between the US and Taiwan since 1997.

Observers dashed their hopes on Thursday’s call as the last possible off-ramp was provided. Mr Biden is expected to make the case that the US president cannot veto the visit of the Speaker of the House representing a different branch of government. Mr. Xi, for his part, could demand Mr. Biden to reiterate his government’s commitment to his “one China” policy.

“It’s about keeping the lines of communication open with the President of China, which is one of our most important bilateral relations, not only in that region, but around the world,” White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby told the media. is one.” ,

China’s foreign ministry and military issued separate warnings on possible travel. A Defense Ministry spokesman said China “will not sit back”. “China demands that the US honor its promise that it will not support ‘Taiwan’s independence’,” said PLA senior colonel Tan Kefei. No outside interference or ‘Taiwan independence’ separatist plan.”

Ms Pelosi’s visit, whom she referred to as the third most important American political figure after the president and vice president, “would seriously violate the one-China principle and the terms in the three Sino-US joint communiqués, causing serious harm to China.” will seriously damage the sovereignty and territorial integrity, and the political foundations of Sino-US relations.”

“Over the past few days, the Chinese side has repeatedly clarified to the US side that it is opposing Speaker Pelosi’s possible visit to Taiwan,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said. “The Chinese military will never sit idly by, and will certainly take strong and resolute measures to thwart any interference by outside forces and separatist efforts for ‘Taiwan independence’. We Chinese mean what we say “

Observers have suggested that China may take a number of measures to coincide with Ms Pelosi’s visit, ranging from military exercises, which China has opposed, in the past to the closure of airspace or a temporary naval From time bound visits. blockade. Mr. Xi will face a balancing act between showing strength at home ahead of the key leadership summit in October, which will mark the start of his third term, and avoiding a growth that could spiral out of control. Is.

The Associated Press quoted US officials as saying that the US military “will use fighter jets, ships and other forces to provide security for its flight.” Officials said they “suspect that China itself will take direct action against Pelosi or attempt to disrupt travel” but “do not rule out the possibility that China will allow provocative flights of military aircraft in or near Taiwan’s airspace.” May increase and conduct naval patrols in the Taiwan Strait. The voyage should be… [and] Do not treat Chinese actions elsewhere in the region as a show of strength.”