Bihar: The bridge built on Budhi Gandak river in Begusarai area broke into two before opening.

Over 20,000 people in the area were affected by the collapse of the bridge.

Begusarai :

In Sahebpur of Begusarai district, a bridge has been constructed over Budhi Gandak river between Rahua panchayat of Jadu block area and Vishnupur Ahok panchayat. The bridge over the river suddenly split into two on Sunday morning. Cracks were reported in this bridge since 2 days. 5 years ago this bridge was constructed at a cost of 1343 lakhs, which was completed in August 2017 as a magnificent bridge and today after 5 years this bridge has broken into two parts.

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More than 20,000 people of the area will be affected by the collapse of this bridge. Farmers will have to face to a great extent. Victims also join. Local people say that even after this bridge is built on the river Gandak, it stops to rise. After the demand for this bridge, in the year 2012-13, on the initiative of Parveen Amanullah, External MLA cum Social Welfare Minister of Bihar Government, the process of construction of this bridge on Budhi Gandak river was started which was completed.

Relojpa leader Sanjay Yadav told that this bridge had cracked two to three days ago, which has now broken and merged into the river, the cost of this bridge was about 14 crores. Not even inaugurated yet. Which is an example of corruption. Thousands of people used this bridge.

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