Bihar: The SI was pulled out in Begusarai, dragging the body for post-mortem. Patna News – Times of India

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Begusarai: A sub-inspector on duty has been suspended for dragging the body of a youth for several meters with the help of a rope by two sweepers. Begusarai Sadar Hospital for postmortem.
Begusarai SP Yogendra Kumar said on Friday that an inquiry was conducted which confirmed that standard operating protocol was violated in removing the body. He said, “The body was in a mutilated condition. However, the dignity of the body was compromised during its removal. I have suspended SI Anil Kumar Singh with immediate effect. Apart from this, show cause notices have also been given to lakhs. Police outpost SHO in this regard,” the SP said.
A video of two sanitation workers dragging the body of an unidentified youth to the local Sadar Hospital for postmortem went viral on Thursday, which is being investigated.

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