Bihar: Thieves worked hard for two days to steal 60 feet long bridge, 5 500 ton bridge missing like this

Bihar: 60 people see such engagements


On behalf of an investigation of thieves in broad daylight in Bihar 60 unique All have been elaborated. The thieves used gas doctors and JCBs to wash the bridge by becoming the officers of the irrigation village. To participate in the replenishment. The construction of this bridge in this heavy load was Arh Kanar in Awar village of Nasriganj police station.

this also further

The man, who joined the group of private sector officials, was active in the three-day field as well as affected other sectors. The media of Nasrigang police station informed the police. Still, as long as the light…

“Ase allet activate ‘aise activate such department'” Kumar said in order to solve the problem in this case.

The cancellation was announced after Amivar was destroyed. After joining the oxidation action, you can improve it. To spend time together. The upload has been loaded into a vehicle. Subhash Kumar, the officer who checked the database said, “Written and some are known.

Also further:
Well the notes were going to be spoiled
Senses after monitoring the owner, you will do the same by watching the video