Biker’s Shave from Rajdhani Express in Mumbai; Video goes viral Watch

The video clip is leaving the internet shuddering as the rider runs for his life at the last minute.

In the viral video, a man can be seen running at the last minute while his bike was crushed under the train at the level crossing.

  • Last Update:February 14, 2022, 20:15 IST
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The video of a bike rider escaping after being hit by a train is going viral. The video also showed that his bike was crushed after being hit by a speeding train. The poster attached the video to the one he had posted last year. The time stamp on the video shows that the incident took place on the evening of February 12. According to sources, the train is Rajdhani Express and this incident is from Mumbai. The clip is leaving the internet shuddering as the rider abandons his bike and saves his life at the last second. Here is the video:

Users commented on how people risk their lives to save a few minutes of commute time. “So… his bike broke down, he must have suffered a 440 volt shock, his back hurts… It all happened in an attempt to save a few minutes. It’s called giving and taking.”

“Videos like this need to be shown on a daily basis to all impatient, smart riders, drivers and law breakers in #India.”

“Honestly.. these two wheeler riders think they can pass through anything.. be it road, footpath, railway crossing.. actually RTO should be more strict in issuing two wheeler license ..”

“I love how people keep on going on with their lives even after seeing this. Should be a normal occurrence.”

“It’s the basic instinct that most people have to get somewhere on the IST.”

In another case of a tragic train accident a few days back, a brave carpenter named Mohammad Mehboob flew a pigeon to rescue a girl who fell on the tracks just below a moving goods train. It all happened on the evening of February 5, when Mehboob along with some other pedestrians was walking towards his factory in Barkhedi area of ​​Madhya Pradesh in Bhopal. Then he saw that a goods train was coming. As they waited for the train to pass, 37-year-old Mehboob along with her parents suddenly saw a girl fall on the railway track.

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